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I have 4 deluxe scane 250s. Have givin me little problems over the last year or so I have had em. At least till now.

Lights were hung and turned on. After hour or so one light was considerably dimmer than the rest. Climbed up to check it, everything seemed fine so I changed lamp. Still dim. After a half hour or so the lamp went out all together. All other functions work, pan, tilt, gobo, color. But lamp will not come on. Now 2 more of the four I have are in the same shape.
I know the bulb is brand new and works in other lights so it is not the lamp. I checked the lamp base and looked for any other loose or odd componenets. Not sure what is next. My warranty is no longer in effect and I cant see investing money for shipping, parts and labor on a used $300 dollar fixture.
Any suggestions would be great.
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Speaking out of turn here but, it could be faulty parts, say ADJ bought a batch of undiscovered defective or flawed units, which went to manufacturing and they put them right it. Stuff happens.

Could also be a power issue. Perhaps the last one in the line was spared because the others took the damage. While many people say don't use power units(like Furmans), I tend to disagree to a certain extent because it also depends on the application. High-current power amps really like to have as little between the power feed and themselves, and the highly transient nature sometimes doesn't lend itself well to being put on a power-sharing device. Lights often don't have these issues as they just ramp up a little slower for bulb intensity(say, a couple hundredths of a second sort of thing)

Unless you're going into a place that you know has "whole building power conditioning and surge surpression", then you're best to take measures into your own hands to protect your equipment as much as possible.

As far as hanging? DO these say "any angle is OK?" or are their restrictions? Is there adequare ventilation and/or air movement up where they are.

Too many questions off your ponderings. Hey, sometimes stuff happens.

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