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Hi Peeps I bought the mydmx dongle sometime a go and never put it into action. But I recently took it out of the box again and wanted to add new profiles of lights that im importing. The only problem is I cant use the currant version of the Scan Library editor. Im able to add dimensions and weight but not the amount of channels and there function. The devise im adding is a 1w RGB animation laser which has 12 channels. Can any one help?
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oh sorry. I really am not seeing the problem you are expiernecing on my end here. Anyway I could get you to post a screen cap or two of the program not working? I might be able to help. Or maybe even give me a call tomorrow afternoon and we can use team viewer to help troubleshoot this and I could give some training on the program.
email me to set up a time.
jamesk at americandj dot com

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