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Hey -

I'm still looking into switching to this from a hardware controller.

My band plays a rotation of 4-5 different venues we play on a consitent basis. All of our lights are synced via midi as most of the drums are sequenced so our show is the same.

My question is, some of the places we play do to staging, we set up different so keyboards will move from stage left to right etc. Is it possible to set up a master file that has all my scenes programmed that we would use and then open that, position my scanner where they need to go and then do a save as CLUB A. Then do the same for the other venues? Then I can open each set up for each club. Right now I'm constantly having to reposition scanners and it's a pain. Would save me a good 20min a show for sure.

I'm hoping this is going to meet my needs, still trying to find out if it will do what I need it to Midi wise.


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IN short terms: yes.

You're allowed to save as many "universes" and shows as you have hard drive space for. Of course, only one can be open and active at any given point in time.

Let's say you have your own lighting rig. I won't go into details, but just let me work off the assumption that you have, bring, set and use your own lights. You can have your "show" be set up around that. But since you say some of those clubs you set up different for, you'd want to employ different "rooms" for your 3D Visaulizer set-up to help you design. You can always "save as" and then move stuff around or tweak to make these different set-ups work.

Then let's say you play 3 different clubs, and when you do, you use their lights. This only requires a bit more coordination. You'll need to know what they have and where(especially for the 3D Visualizer) and what channels those fixtures are on. Then design away and save often!

As far as MIDI, you're going to have to ask questions to see if MyDMX is going to work for you. MyDMX uses a very simple implementation of MIDI. My first suggestion would be to run your sequencing as you have been, and run MyDMX on its own computer. Once you have MyDMX learn the triggers(note ON) for the various scenes you want to use, then you're good to go. Yes, you're going to need to make scenes, which takes time. As well, you're going to probably want to spend a little bit of time using the 3D Visualizer to help you make the scenes. MyDMX is also capable of assinging CC-type controllers to DMX channels. In my case, I have purchased an inexpensive fader/knob control surface, and have assigned knobs and faders to DMX channels to give me direct control over some of my lights.

When doing a "save as", it also saves the learned MIDI triggers and controllers.

It's the same issues as with dealing with any change. You're going to have to put in effort up front to make it happen, no way around that.
Thanks Chris. Yes we have our own show. 4 ADJ Pro 64 Led's, 2 ADJ Performacne Scan 250's and 2 DJ Scan 250 ex's.

So basically the only thing that would change are certain songs we have cues set up for the scanners to move to the kybnoard plater etc. So what probably do is make a master project with all my scenes and then edit the those scenes for each club we play, then open each club file. That would save me a boat load of time.

So for the mid stuff, I have to send a midi not to mydmx to set that not as the scene I want? So say I have scene 1, and I send midi not 12 to scene 1 that's the note it will from now on?
Then I would go into our mac and record the midi notes where I want the scene changes to happen.
Sorry, I'm having problems understanding you. It's like you're typing with an accent.

I think you got it.

This is how MyDMX works for "learning":
Let's say you want it to learn a scene.
(forgive me, MyDMX is not on this machine I am using right now)
You would right mouse click it I think it "edit" mode and "learn MIDI". Then you hit your note. Then the box goes away, thus learning that note. It's very essential that any unnecessary MIDI signals are present during this "training". Sure, you can use a sequencer, but it may be easier to use a keyboard. My old Master Tracks Pro gives me direct access to notes 0-127 key a keyboard in the notes edit window.

So, using your example: If you set Scene 1 for MIDI note 12, via Channel 15, then it's going to listen for MIDI note 12 on channel 15 in order to "play" that scene.

And then, just like you said: once you've told MyDMX what scenes use what notes, then you can go into whatever you're using on the Mac to make it happen.

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