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Bring your CompuWare or find a way to turn the items on and off. How are you planning to at least control on/off? Nothing personal, but runing the same light all night is rather lame. It just gives the impression to me of no creativity, no money, no care.

If you're already using DMX for your moving heads, why not go the extra "mile" and hook up DMX cables and take care of it all.

If you need to control on/off and use of those older ADJ power-switch station things, why bother? I mean, that's the same effort as running DMX, so why not go ahead and run CompuWare?

Granted I'm not a DJ, I'm a sound production company. MyDMX comes with me on all my shows. Dimmer packs only show up when necessary, which isn't too often since I'm mainly using DMX-capable fixtures, but I do have a twice a year event when I also add dimmers and hi-tech FX into the mix until I phase those out with DMX-capable LED versions.

If space is a problem I'm sure one of the new netbooks might be an option to entertain. Some of these are too small in my opinion. I wouldn't do my main programming on it, but I'd have no issue running a show off of them that I made on a better machine.

All my shows that involve lights involve me using my MacBook Pro running BootCamp and XP Home with MyDMX. I don't know your specs, but really, laptop with DMX software.

Run DMX, make more scenes. It's the better and more efficient way to get things done.
My advise against just "set and forget it" is the lack of fixture variety gets boring to people.

The Revo's really look great with fog. To me, they don't make a whole lot of sense without fog. Excellent as a backlighting fixture to shoot through a stage from the back and over/through the band/performer.

While I'm replacing all my conventionals with LED versions, A Revo unit might take up residence in my rave rig. This won't be a replacement, but rather a whole new purchase item.

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