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in looking at the Revo 4 that it has a DMX sound active option so if I push up the slider on the MY DMX software up to DMX Channel 1 to 240-255 that the lights will work woth sound activation and then if I want to control the lights myself again I slide it back down again and I am in control again.


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I'm not checking the manual, but it appears you have. Your logic would be right:

On the channel that has the region that deals with Sound Active mode, you are only in sound active mode while the DMX-value is in the ranage of sound active.

So, you are in fact right:
Once you move that chanel out of the sound active DMX value range, you regain control
Thanks Chris. I amlooking at buying 2 led x move plus & Revo 4 to start my DMX journey. When I try to mess around with the software I can get the light put on the software and switch them on and off but I cant get them to play over and over again like a demo. If I put them in sound active on MYDMX is there no way to make make them move or will that not work ?

How do I make the MYDMX visualiser move the Revo 4 and the moving heads to see how it looks. Sorry if I am being silly but I have read the manual and watchd he videos and I am still struggling.

Thanks in advance


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