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After watching the video of the revo 4 I was very excited about acquiring some. They have DMX control and that is very Important to me as I always use DMX to run shows. I am however very disappointed to realize that while the Revo 4 has many chases programed into it that playback during sound activated stand alone, you can only access 12 of them via dmx. Also the color of them is not adjustable via dmx. Half of the DMX accessible chases are in red, and the others use all colors.
This makes the fixture not very useful as a artistic tool while using DMX. I know its a lot to ask but I actually like to be able to control the color of my led fixtures while doing a show.

i know there is a 256 ch mode, but come on, in order to program something using that mode without a matrix programmer would be silly.
I do plan on utiliziting the 256 ch mode to do pixel mapping but let's face it that is rather advanced.
The REVO 4 has 2 DMX modes, one that is very simple and limmited and one that is only really usefull to advanced users. How about something
in between.

I wonder if it would be possible to provide acces to a greater number, or even perhaps all of the pre programed chases with a software version update. If you could call up a chase, set the color, and controll the speed via DMX these would be incredible fixtures. It would make it infinitely more useful as a part of a large scale DMX lighting system.

As it stands it's just cool disco light and I know that is enough for many DJ's, but not being to control the color and speed of chases really cuts it short in my opinion.

I went around telling my clients "This thing is amazing, it totally changes the game as far as LED effects lights go" Then I realized that you could only access 12 of the chases with DMX,
Not so game changing any more.

I am a long time user and fan of AMDJ products, but lately I have be very frustrated by them due to limitations that most times are not related to a fixtures physical capability but to its DMX personality and the ability to control them.

I would really like to be able to give feedback to the designers so that AMDJ can offer products that are useful to a greater range of users than just the standalone market.

Any suggestions?

Oakland CA
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Yes, I do have a suggestion.

People like you, who make a calm, rational and objective statement like you just posted, can provide useful insight as to what a lot of people need or want in their fixtures.

I myself have been looking at the Revo series and going back and forth over it, debating if I should get it or not. I like what I see in the video as well. However, it's a twice-a-year fixture for me(currently), but the affordability and what I need it for, as is it would probably be fine. It would be better if I used a fogger at the events to help make this type of fixture pop more. Right now, you've sort of steered me away from it, so maybe I need to look at some other stuff. I go back and forth on stuff. This, in my bigger scheme of things, is a small purchase though.

I honestly get the feeling ADJ is listening to what we have to say. I also feel comfortable saying that ADJ does examine their products when they hit the workbench for repairs to see what's going wrong and what needs to be re-engineered even if that means coming up with a whole new fixture, such as the X-Move LED, which has been replaced with a newer model that addressed a frequent set of repair problems.

I also am operating under the impression that ADJ does actually read the web board. Support even stops in from time to time to participate in issues on here. I myself have placed requests for fixtures or tweaks or re-designs. Of course, I don't keep track of all I've said, nor have I paid close enough attention to see if my ideas have been utilized.

I've made suggestions to a competitor about a product. Apparently, so many other people must have said the same thing because it got discontinued rather quickly. In my case, those fixtures have seen their last show anyways, so with 3 working and a 4th non-functional, and all experiencing problems multiple times, it's just time for those to go away as well.

Right now, my goals are to as much as possible phase out all non ADJ and Elation fixtures from my rig as much as possible. The other brand is a competitor to ADJ, that range of product. My secondary goal is to also go to LED technology as much as possible as well. I am also trying to phase out dimmer packs as well.
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Also i don't mean to be rude but also before you buy a fixture take a look at the dmx traits to make sure you have the type of control and options for programming that you are seeking in a fixture. We DO listen to our customers and strive to create quality affordable products that will have a demand. Our R&D people watch these forums and when they don't i forward the threads to them.
I totally agree. When it comes to buying fixtures and DMX is an issue, people DO need to see the ADJ manuals and download them and read them. I think this, coupled with the videos(and perhaps a catalog) are very helpful tools to help not only new buyers of lighting, but existing buyers make new purchases.

Remember all the times people have posted about "sound active not available in DMX mode" and we've both said that they should have read the manual?

My only issue right now is the fact that ADJ isn't putting manuals online for new fixtures, namely those not being sold yet. I won't get into why I think they aren't doing that. I'm fortunately in the position of not needing to buy anything right away, so when the manuals do come out, I'll have plenty of time to check things out and make decisions.

Now, despite having said what I've said, I still like what I can do with the Revo 4, based on what I've seen. But I am looking at it for a specific function mainly, and everything else is secondary. Right now, though, my situation has changed very rapidly in a negative manner. It's nothing to be concerned about, but this definately kicks any decisions about such "DJ-type" fixtures to the curb temporarily. This issue will have completely resolved itself by the end of May. My problem is going to knock a lighting purchase back a whole 30 days, putting it what I feel is far too close to an event. In the meantime, I will start doing my new lighting design anyways as I'm not going to wait around. This way I'll be prepared regardless of how things go down.

We all need to educate ourselves before we buy. Again, this forum can be used as a major tool for potential buyers of almost any fixtures. I'm glad I did the research on the 64 LED UV fixture. That fixture, now that we've trained the actress, is F*@%ing awesome!!! All I needed was an on/off, but the intermittant feature works wonders too. The director's vision and idea was good in the first place, and putting it in application was killer! For a relatively inexpensive fixture that will not be used much, that still was a stressful ordeal of ensuring the right fixture was purchased. I now know it was the right purchase.
It's not rude to suggest that a user should read the documentation before purchasing a device.
I should have taken more time to read and fully understand the DMX layout. I quickly looked at it and by just glancing at the DMX it appeared as if you could change the color and speed of the chases. Upon fully reading the doc it became apparent that this is not the case. Fare enough.

The manual does not however describe the 12 chases as half being only red and the other half being all colors. Why not at least a selection of different colors?

I'll say again that if there was a greater number of chases as well as greater level of control available for chase selection and playback including color and speed control for all chases these units that it would make them much more appealing as a stage effect
not just a disco light. Even if you could not change the color of every chase and only the speed, if you had access to all of the chases that are stored in the fixture it would be better.

These suggestions from a long time AMDJ user. I run the Tech. shop for a major entertainment lighting company as well as do large club and rave designs and installations, so I may
look at tings from a slightly different perspective than most Mobil DJ's.

Hopefully these suggestions will reach the ears of the designers.

Thanks for the help with this.

Striving to make light work better.
You know what would be cool, but impractical?

A "virtual fixture sim". What would be cool is that it's a "open architecture" platform, and all vendors could make an "evaluation" profile. All it would do is allow you to set the various modes, work off audio input(for sound active if applicable) and DMX. 1 fixture at a time, can't do shows or save anything, it's strictly for preview and can't actually control DMX, but you get basic simulated DMX controls you can see what the fixture can do.

In this case, even reading the manaul would not have helped a whole lot. I mean, "program1", what does that mean? TO me, it doesn't mean much. GOtta see it.

I'm a sound production company and I don't look at things from a DJ perspective. I do handle sound for a rave twice a year, and it's a small rave. I just want to kick it up a few notches to make it better. The lighting design that I do could be better, and I want to do a bit more.

At least ADJ is listening. You're also providing rational and sound commentary. So much better than "hey, this sucks" type stuff.
I agree with their assessment of my idea. It's a good idea, but yeah, it would be expensive, and even more so since it would be given away. Then you have to require everyone to either make their own(say, each maker makes their own version) or else everyone has to comply with that single version.

The only other method, and it's not the best or most practical for all, but is to have more regional showrooms, or else better stocked stores that have more on display and will let you play with the lights. Of course, this is totally outside ADJ's control.

Some of these lights are just too difficult to evaluate.
Dealing with the 256 dmx control feature... using a matrix, i guess is what it's called....

Does MyDmx have an application for this to simplify its use? Is there some way to incorporate into MyDmx a program that more easily allows me to use this feature.

Ideally, I'd love to have a "drawing board" where I could click a color, then click an individual LED with a mouse and either draw the shapes i want, or the words i want and what motion I'd like it to have...

I haven't purchased MyDmx yet, and I'm borderline, I need to sort out how to run it through my MAC with bootcamp i guess...

I love the Revo 4, and set on sound active mode in the little venue with 2 galaxian 3d's, it's all I needed for a dance night...

I would love to control that 256 dmx feature better, it can be really powerful, just need something easier to run it with.
I'm running MyDMX on my Mac running Bootcamp with OS 10.5.8 and XP Home and it works fine.

Don't go Windows 7. This isn't because I'm not happy with it. Apple hasn't released an update that properly supports Windows 7 yet, so don't go any further than Vista. Apple does claim 64-bit Vista support with Bootcamp.
What hazer are you going to be using? I'm interested to see how the Revo looks in the haze, although I intend to use it with fog when and if I get a Revo unit.

It seems these lights are too complicated in high-channel modes to make your own patterns. There almost needs a plug in module to help translate patterns into MyDMX. I haven't added one to my universe to see what it can do with the FX generator, but I would expect the results to be unpredictable.
While the image projections from the Revo 4 are cool in a cheesy RGB LED kind of way, use of them in Haze or Fog is where it's at. They make fantastic beam projections.
I hope ANDJ is able to sort out creating an updated DMX profile for these units.
It would really make them shine!

Hi All,
just found this forum.

i'm running a revo 4 in dmx 256 mode useing freestyler with the suntrix plugin.

the app allows one to run custom pattern's in .gif and also does text.

the dmx 4ch mode is good, but i usually run it in sound active because of the limitations
described in this topic.

is there a new prom available that does offer dmx 4ch selection of the show modes used in sound active?

also, is there a way to switch from dmx 256 ch mode to dmx 4 ch mode without crawling all the up the truss to use the ctrl panel?

i need to go from 256 ch mode to sound active and currently i cannot find a way to do it remotely.
Thankx for the reply.

is there any ADJ or other led moonflower fixture
close to the revo 4 that does have the 256 dmx mode with remote sound active select?

need 4 to 8 for a club install i'm designing and i'm thinking about useing x-laser rgbv skywritters if no led fixture can do it.
Hello all,
I'm a small town mobile DJ and am looking to add some newer LED lights to my rig. I am new to lighting and have been trying to do as much research as I can before making an investment. In searching the web I came across the Revo4 and was wow'd instantly with the amount of performance this one light was dishing out. As my budget for lighting is currently limited I felt this light was a good one to start with, and so I ordered it the other day! Really pumped to get it in and see for myself what it can do.

After reading this thread and Lightbender's comments about Revo4's limitations I'm a little confused. Reading the manual, in 4 channel mode a DMX controller should allow you to select 12 different patterns and adjust which LED's will run with the selected pattern, but once you run a chase only speed is adjustable? Does this mean the projected "patterns" don't move but color can still be controlled and in chase mode the speed can be adjusted but not the color? Just trying to understand this light a little better.
in 4 ch dmx mode you are stuck with 12 patterns.
the 12 patterns are not the same 12 that you can get in sound active mode.

i gave up on dmx with the revo 4 long ago and cannot remember what chase mode is supposed to do.

you can build a pattern of your own useing free styler dmx software in dmx 256 mode and also freestyler will make the revo 4 do text.

the revo 4 is a great plug and play light in sound active mode as it seq's all 12 patterns and that is the easiest and most eye catching mode to run it in.

Got the Revo4 in last night and got to play with it a little, sound active mode seems to work well with different kinds of music. Had to adjust the internal mic sensitivity a little but overall very pleased with this light as a plug and play. I ordered the ADJ RGBW4C 4 channel dmx controller, should be in within the next couple of days.
I am working on a solution to run the Revo 3/4 in sound active mode via DMX. Anyone interested? Basically this is a DMX interface that emulates the UC3 controller (the Revo sees it as a UC3). This interface will work with many ADJ fixtures that do not offer sound active mode via DMX (ADJ really missed the mark with this limitation).
Originally posted by Guitartrooper:
I am working on a solution to run the Revo 3/4 in sound active mode via DMX. Anyone interested? Basically this is a DMX interface that emulates the UC3 controller (the Revo sees it as a UC3). This interface will work with many ADJ fixtures that do not offer sound active mode via DMX (ADJ really missed the mark with this limitation).

Hello, sound's great. I'm also interrested to control UC3 functions via dmx. If possible with freestyler app.
Sorry it taken so long to reply. Ok, I will put together an information kit here in a future post. Not sure how quickly I can get to it. Here's a quick primer for those who are interested:

Overcoming American DJ DMX-Sound Active Mode Limitations

I employ DMX512 in my light show. I like having the ability to control my light fixtures from my PC. I was amazed to discover that with some of my American DJ lights, I do not have the ability to set the fixture to sound-active mode via DMX. Take for example the REVO III, which can run in one of three modes:

Stand alone mode - The unit will react to sound, chasing through the built-in programs.

Master/Slave mode - You can daisy chain up to 16 units together to get a synchronized light show without the need of an external controller. The units will react to sound chasing through the several built-in programs.

DMX control mode - This function will allow you to control each individual fixtures traits with a standard DMX controller.

This is great (so I thought)! There are 26 pattern-chase programs I can remotely set the REVO to using DMX. I'll just find the DMX program that reacts to sound and use DMX to turn the REVO on (react to sound) or off (black out).

Except there is no such program in the REVO! How can this be? How could American DJ deny DMX users the ability to run built-in sound-active programs under DMX control? What do you mean I have to use American DJ's UC3 controller to remotely control the REVO in sound-active mode? Yuk! That's terrible! I want a streamlined consolidate user interface to control all my lights. I don't want a mixed environment where I control some of my lights via UC3 and other lights via DMX.

So to solve this problem, I fabricated a DMX-to-UC3 interface, which actually works rather well. This is basically a UC3 controller plugged directly into the REVO, yet I have the ability to actuate the Standby, Function, and Mode buttons remotely via DMX.
Last edited by Former Member

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