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Don't get me wrong, I like the guys in ADJ support. They've always taken good care of me.

I recently sent off 3 ADJ 64 LED Pros for repair due to some LED's not lighting up. They all came back repaired and working. Unfortunately, one of the recently repaired fixtures is once again having LED's going out again.

While my fixtures are still under warranty, I am worried about time to repair the lights since I only have about 25 days before I send it out before I get it back and need it again. I'd almost rather just buy the parts and do the repair myself it it wasn't for the fact that right now money is tight(and I'm trying to buy 8 Elation Opti Tri Pars even if I didn't have any problems)

So, what are the availability of repair manuals?

Also, I'll call Monday to get an RA and will get it on its way to you ASAP.

Again, not mad, not angry. Just a bit concerned due to time crunch issues. I'm trying to figure out what I can do to try to prevent repeat problems like this going forward just in case there was something I could have done to have prevented this.

Remember folks, Support does a LOT to help with ADJ products, not just repair.
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Stock up on spare units, that way when a quarter of you rig is at the shop for repairs "for the second time" you have extras to keep you up and running.

I have noticed that it is not uncommon for certain AMDJ LED products to develop dead LED emitters after a while. I wonder if there is something they could do to improve their manufacturing or electronics engineering it order to prevent these type of failures in the first place.

I don't intend to do exactly that. I do intend to keep an inventory of spare elements and other items I note that fail often(or more often). A bit cheaper, but lets me keep running, which is after all the whole point you're making.

I think the issue isn't engineering, I think the issue is more maybe bad batches of components. These LEDs are being cranked out by the millions. But what's odd is that when I have failures, they tend to be greens and they tend to be clustered together. It seems to be either bad solder points or bad bits of circuitry tied together or something.

Whatever it is, I'm grateful I'm getting warranty work done.

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