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Ok i have tried every work around i can think of.
, and i still keep getting this distortion while recording.
1. Using IMAC 21.5 w/ OS 10.6
2. VMV4 firmware 3.11
3. Traktor Pro most current update

1. Turned off all my Bluetooth devices (mouse, keyboard)
2. turned off cell phone
3. made sure all levels are in the green
4. Traktor Pro settings are:
A. Outputs in external mode using all 8 channels
B. Input channels A are: lft front, rt front.
C. Recording setting are: external from channel A.

1. So when i start recording the sound from the monitor is fine no distortion at all.
2. Play back has distortions in random locations in the playback. Also has different wave sounds of distortion, it's not always the same sound (stronger some weaker than others).

NOTE: I know this is important but can not figure out why this is happening. In Traktor Pro Input channel A. COMING IN FROM THE VMS4 ON THE FRONT LEFT i get signal in the Tractor Pref window in BOTH LFT & RT sides. And thats with the FRONT RIGHT COMING FROM THE VMS4 NOT EVEN ASSIGNED. And when i assign the right side to another channel like B or C I get 3 lines of INPUT coming from the VMS4. So it looks like insted of 2 channels of input the left side from the VMS4 is giving me 2 lines and one from the Right side as well.

Maybe this is causing the recording issue because it is the only thing i cannot figure out how to reset to show only 2 lines coming from the VMS4. Using a Mac I don't have control over the ASIO like a PC, and the sound is fine like i said but i need to fix the recording issue. Thanks AA!
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Excuse my ignorance on Traktor.

First, what is your interface? USB or Firewire?

Are you playing back audio AND recording it at the same time off the same computer?

Are you recording to your internal drive or to an external drive? If an external drive(and this is what you SHOULD be doing), is it USB or firewire attached? What speed and specs are it? Firewire would be better.

Is playback source and recording destination the same drive? If so, you NEED firewire.

How many channels are you playing back and/or recording at once?

Sorry, I like macs, but what are your system specs? RAM, CPU and speed, HD size and spin if you know it, size would be nice too.

You're playing from ONE application into another? That's going to lead to clocking issues.
OK Chris,

1. im using USB
2. using the same computer to play and record
3. using internal drive to record
4. recording 2 to 4 channels
5. 4 gig of ram, 3.06 CPU Core Duo, 1T HD, IMAC don't have firewire connects.
6. And traktor is the only app being used, the VMS4 is a slave being used my Traktor.
7. Also when i play and record with Virtual DJ i don't get the distortion, on in traktor.

I have an external drive, but i have always used mac's and have always recorded to the internal drive and this is a new mac 2 weeks old most current everything, all softwares are latest versions, and like i said no distortion in my monitors, or floor speaker.

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