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If you had to select ONLY 3 American DJ Lighting Effects that you could not live without/that make your events what they are, what effects would they be. . and WHY???

For me. . .
1. Picking up a set of Concept 1's was quite possibly the greatest move the mobile company I work for has ever made. . .very simple interface, no dip switches to set, just plug in and go. The controller alone is worth it's weight in gold. . if only there were a 19" rackmount version of the controller.

2. Topaz/Topaz 250 - More of a mood effect, but a great alternative to par cans as a form of colorwash. Great when you want a non abrasive effect covering your dancefloor when the use of fog is limited.

3. The Vertigo - To this day, it's still "old reliable". Not only is it one of the first inexpensive lighting effects, it's something that fills a room with color and doesn't take too much time to setup.

P.S. -This is just a question, not a test. . . have fun with it. Don't worry if anyone else will laugh at your answers as we all have different prefrences and needs. I was honestly at a tossup between the Vertigo and the Orca, my first 2 lights. . . .heh
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In order of time purchased:

1. Verti-Pro's. One of the first pieces of lighting that I owned was a pair of verti-pro's. I agree with the Clip-Up man. Easy setup, fills the room, and they look really complex! I bought the "pro" versions because of the DMX capability which came in handy when I finally bought a DMX controller. A rave promoter used to rent my verti-pro's and other small effects once a month for about a year. The cash from that made the money for me to swith over to DMX.

2. American DJ DMX Control Products. It's kind of broad I know. If it were not for AMDJ, we would all be using expensive NSI systems for dimming, and that's not even DMX! I made the switch from using hard wired dimmers to DMX for my stage lighting about a year ago. I started small with two dimmer packs and a DMX operator. (which also controlled my soon intelligent lighting rig). The system was flawless for my small 8 can system. I made more money by looking more professional with real equipment. I soon bought four more dimmer packs, a scene setter 48, and 16 Par 64's. The system is really versatile. The affordability of AMDJ DMX products really turned my lighting hobby into something that makes me money.

3. Mighty Scans. I was able to purchase four before they were discontinued. For the money they are the best intelligent light out there. What other intel gives you 20 colors and 20 gobos, addition to scrolling and split color effects? (in a fixture about the size and weight of a cinder block). I've used my mighty scans for raves, concerts, youth camps, and small theatre gigs. The scanners are a really great purchase and are "worth their weight in gold". It's a pity they were discontinued.
1. Vertigo. My first, and still my favorite, for all the reasons everyone already knows.

2. Rotopod. Less hassle than a mirror ball. Inexpensive too. I dig the case design.

3. The Reflex. How can you not love a gift! And it's just all over the place with color!

Now, if we're talking wish list:

1. Four Concepts-1s.
2. Hexstar
3. Two Tri Fecta lasers.
accu spot 250 why they are just awesome I have four and wish I had 8

pocket scans why the ability to hang in the air on truss of course, and do all the amazing things with them, I have to but wish I had 8

with these two there is no doubt that they are a force to be respected among mobile d.j.
with my limited knowledge on the subject and the thought of what i want to do...
here is the list... not necessarily in order

several Accu Spot 250
1 DMX Operator Pro
at least 10 LS-50/A
20 Opti-Par P ETL
several Warp 250
and some par cans for 20 foot ceiling to be installed... this is an installation..
some of these UV Canon
buch of these: 64 Combo
Wow! Interesting question, I'd have to say

4 pocket scans (run them now and wonder how I ever did it without them)

1 trifecta (Nice laser with selection plus Pocket scan lasers are weak)

1 250 watt dmx strobe (What's a club w/out a strobe?)

This is currently what I run and I actually had to ask myself that very same question. The deciding factors were,
1. What will give me the best effects for the money.
2. How versitile/tough are the effects.
3. How compact are the effects.
4. what kind of cases are available throuh MFG.
Originally posted by Mr. Clipuptags:
[qb] yes. . . but the topic and questionairre is 3 so pick THREE Smiler
This can't be all the people who know about lights. . . .come on take a minute, and answer the question. [/qb]
well if i have to pick only 3

several Accu Spot 250
1 DMX Operator Pro
at least 10 LS-50/A

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