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I'm getting mixed results ... sometimes the dongle works, other times not.

So ... what startup sequence works best for you?

a) Power on the computer with the dongle plugged in; then start MyDMX
b) Power on the computer, then plug in the dongle, then start MyDMX
c) Power on the computer, start MyDMX, then plug in the dongle.

Arrrrrr .... !

I haven't hit upon a sequence that works every time.

Any thoughts?
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Yes ... method B is indeed the most reliable.

I'm running Windows 7 on a netbook. MyDMX is the only app installed. No unnecessary programs or utilities are running in the background. (msconfig/startup) I use an M-Audio MIDI interface to a Tech 21 MIDI Moose foot controller. The same USB ports are always used for the MyDMX dongle and the M-Audio MIDI interface.

I'll experiment some more this week, reload June 2011, and note any inconsistencies.

What flavor of Windows 7? I'm running Win7 Ultimate, and 64-bit. I have noticed that it doesn't matter if you're 32 or 64 bit anymore with MyDMX, it installs properly regardless.

What other symptoms are you seeing? Have you swapped out the cable? Are you on a hub? Is the hub powered?
I have removed the December 2010 version and reinstalled the June 2011 version of MyDMX.

The sequence that seems to work best is to boot the PC, plug in the USB cable, then start My DMX.

I'll putz around with it this week in preparation for a gig this weekend and see if there is any variation.

Thanks for everyone's input.

P.S. I just got several of the ADJ Mega Pixel LED bars and they are most excellent!

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