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Hey folks,
Have it working ok with profile I made but it is not totally correct. Here are the facts, can you throw a profile my way please. Sorry, I may have originally posted this on the wrong discussion area.

CH1 Dimmer R、G、B dimmer, linear dimmer, from dark to bright
CH2 Strobe R、G、B strobe, from slow to fast
0—50:7 DMX channels control;51--100:jump;
sound control
CH4 Function speed function speed, from slow to fast
CH5 R dimmer R dimmer, linear dimmer, from dark to bright
CH6 G dimmer G dimmer, linear dimmer, from dark to bright
CH7 B dimmer B dimmer, linear dimmer, from dark to bright

I just got info on this one as well please. Quadpar Tri7

1channel 0-------15 Closed
16-------255 Brightness is from dark to bright
1-------255 Red color dimmer
3channel 0-------255 Green color dimmer
4channel 1-------255 Blue color dimmer
5channel 1-------255 White/Amber color dimmer
6channel, 0------15 Closed
16------255 Strobe is from slow to fast
7channel 0------15 Closed
16------255 Mixed color auto(speed is from slow to fast)

Thanks for your help
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