Hello all,
I'm in a comedy band called the Consortium of Genius, which puts on a very theatrical show with sequenced lights and video. My DMX system is controlled by an American DJ 'Scene Setter' board.
I just bought a Scan Tron 250 to see whether it would complement my old DJ Scan RG's. (Almost bought some Dynasties, but I didn't like their gobo patterns or the fact that the bulb never switched off.) Anyway, with the Scan Tron I have the opposite problem - under DMX control, the bulb will not switch on! I know the bulb is good because the fixture WILL do sound activated or automatic patterns, and under DMX control the fixture will do its strobe effect properly if channel 5 is pushed up - but for some reason it will not light the bulb and keep it lit otherwise for, say, a spotlight effect.
All other DMX functionality seems good - pan, tilt, color, gobo control and as I mentioned, strobe.
Any ideas?
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