Oh yeah.... its been too long since someone started a "post pics of stuff" thread.... Here we go.
What is wanted in this thread:
>Pics of your lighting in action (whether during/before/after, etc).
>Tell us what you used.
>Give us the context of the picture ("youth camp for my church 2005" or "Random High School Winter Formal" or maybe "My system - before I pawned it".
>did you like the setup? what would you do differently?
What is not wanted in this thread:
>Pics of you setting up chain motors for a Union gig
>Photoshopped pictures of $10k work of equipment pasted on some I-truss with the tagline "this is what my system will look like"
>Pics from a random prom that you worked with random 16 year old gals grinding with their 21 year old dates (with some lights in the background).
Got it? Cool... Rockin'...
Original Post