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Ok, after a lot of trials, I believe I have found a serious problem with the functionality of the FX module in myDMX.
I think it down to the way that the profiles are interpreted, but may be wrong.

I have 4 Megabar LED fixtures which I am using in a stage set. I want to utilise the FX module for creating colour sweeps etc. Things which take a huge amount of time to do manually.
Unfortunately, the supplied profile and any which I try to create are not correctly recognised by the FX module.
No matter what I try, the module only shows the Dimmer, the Shutter and only 1 of the 9 possible colour channels.
Therefore, any effects created only apply to 1 section and 1 colour of the bar. It is not possible to access all the 11 channels together. Further, only the Advanced Effects tab appears, not the Colour Mixing or Gradient Editor. These last two I would deem as essential to this type of fixture.

These failings render the module useless for these lighting fixtures. As this type of light is now a major part of the ADJ range, I would consider this to be an essential bug/fault which requires urgent attention.

I believe the problem stems from the way that ScanLibrary works with the construction of lighting profiles. The FX module appears to interpret the basic RGB channels to determine how it functions. As you cannot select more than 1 of each RGB channel in each light fixture, the module fails to function correctly. I may be wrong and if so, I am sure someone will tell me.

Jingles, could you please look at this for me and let the forum have your feedback on this.
If you need examples of my tests, let me know and I will be happy to send you the files.

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Not necessarily a fix, but would making target colors and slow fade times(say, 2+ seconds) over multiple steps for muliple colors address this issue?

Also, typical stuff: Are you using the latest version from the ADJ web site? maybe this has been addressed. Maybe not.

But, if this is in fact a problem, this is what the "ongoing status" of MyDMX would address and resolve.
Hi Chris, thanks for your input.

I have tried the new version before posting this and yes, it still exists.

Could you elaborate on your suggestion of 'target colours' please. I am not immediately grasping the concept. Cheers.

Fianlly, I do think this is a program failing of either the module or the fixture creator. I raised this so that it could be investigated and addressed as required.
I assume that the support team want this type of feedback.
I have been using the FX module a lot and find it saves me a great deal of time, but it would save more if it worked correctly with these light.
myDMX is an ADJ branded product which i not working with ADJ branded lights, and as such, it should.

Well, forgive me for not knowing exactly what a color sweep is. I do know it has to do with changing colors. Thanks for letting me explain my concept:

Let's say you have "target color" of BLUE. You put in a 4-second fade time for a scene in BLUE. Let's say your previous scene was orange. When you go BLUE, it will take 4 seconds to go from the orange scene to the blue scene.

Ain't perfect, I know. Just an alternate option that MAY work for you, but may not.

MyDMX should work with all brands of DMX lighting and fixtures, including competitors products. But, Jingles and SerraAva have noted that the MyDMX dongle doesn't put out a beefy strong signal, so it is wise to use a DMX repeater/splitter to boost the signal, especially for long runs and runs with a lot of fixtures. A recommended device is the OptiBranch/4, which I have in my rack.

Still, let's assume there is a problem with the FX generator, ADJ, just like any other company, can only do so much testing. It comes down to people such as yourself "thinking outside the box" to "break" the product. While I'm not 100% positive that development and support is gonna be all happy like a daisy over news that there is a problem with the product, they'll at least look into it for the concept of hunting down and resolving the issue.

You may need to send them your universe and profiles you're using so they can replicate easier. Jingles will advise further.
Jingles, thanks for your comments. If you load up the 11 channel MegaBar LED profile then go to the FX module, you will see that you can only adjust 1 parameter for the colours. You should be able to adjust all 9 colour parameters (RGB for each of the 3 sections). Also, only one of the module tabs is available so you cannot use the built in chase generators or colour ramp. Hope this helps with identifying the problem.

Chris, sorry you seem to think I was suggesting you didn't know something. I just didn't grasp what you had suggested. Now you have elaborated, I understand fully.

My problem is not with the lights themselves. They are all functioning correctly and in time with myDMX. The cable run is not over long and is terminated correctly. All is well there.
The problem is that a module in myDMX is not operating correctly with certain fixture profiles, both supplied and created as you will have seen from my suggestion above.
It works excellently with some, but not others. It is a software issue, not a hardware issue.
I am not thinking 'outside the box', only asking the software to do something it is designed to do. It is meant to be able to generate effects with the lights and it cannot.

Ya it is a software limitation. Part of it is there isnt any icons associated with the channel function and the other part is it wont allow for multiple RGB fixture channels. One way to get around this is use the generic RGB profile 3 times and then add a dimmer profile and a custom profile for whatever channels you are needing to control the other functions of the light. i will work on modifying the profiles on monday.
Thanks James for your confirmation of my thoughts. I have tried this approach myself already. It does work, however, you must be careful as I have found that while the functionality does appear, it seems to have issues with the ordering of the modules. My attempt resulted in section 3 or the Megabar being out of sync with the other two sections.
I hope you have more success. I will be trying again myself with a few variations over the coming couple of days.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing your results.


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