You're not doing it right then.
You're basically chaining scenes. No big deal. You're doing this via the Edit Screen. You want to run your start of this series of chained scenes from the USER screen.
That's what your problem most likely is. You're just in the wrong page. This is a SUPER easy mistake to make. Think of the USER scren as the place to run your show from, white EDIT is for making shows, scenes or bits and pieces.
Another option you can do is to do this. It's a bit lengthy.
First, go make a copy of your your PocketScan Reg Circles Scene. Copy all the steps(highlight all, copy via the button), then move to the last existing step and PASTE steps. There, 2 loops. Boom. Done.
Now, go select your Green Random Points. Copy all those steps. Go back to the copied scene, select the last step and PASTE STEPS again. Go to last step, paste steps again and then go to the last step and paste steps again. Done. 3 Times.
Now, go to your Xscan Blue splotches octogon scne, copy all those steps. Go back to your copied scene select the last step, PASTE steps. Go to last step and PASTE again.
There ya go. Not quite as efficient but if you're using this a lot, this may be a handy thing to have around in your show file.
I'm not chaining any scenes like that, but that's no big deal. There's nothing wrong with what you're doing. If it works for you and you like how it looks, then it's all good.