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I needed 4 x 1 channel profiles for a DP-415 dimmer pack then renamed each channel to the Item Name it was controlling. When I relocated the channels - a remnant was left that I can not delete.

I randomly selected and used an Antari hz-300 four times to allow for the 4 channels of a DP-415 dimmer pack. I renamed each of the channels to the name of the device that channel would turn on and off (not using as a dimmer - just on or off). Then when I saved and reopened the file - if I relocate the profile a phantom or remnant remains on the setup patch screen but nothing shows up in the lower window of sliders at the specified address. If I go into the FX Generator the first screen that shows which profiles I want to apply FX too - shows a Profile that has NO Name next to the [+] plus sign and when I click on the plus it expands to show the phantom profiles.

Anyone had this type of problem?
Anyone know how to get rid of the phantom profile without having to re-create the whole show file from scratch?

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How about this for a concept:


It's beeen said before.

While yes, you are ultimately using a dimmer pack, you are really turning ON/OFF a light. Assign a light to the channel instead, even if it's a generic.

Problem solved.

As far as remnants, I have experienced that. I resolved it by going back to my previously saved show. I'm getting to the point where my lighting configuration is going to change so dramatically that there is no valid reason to stick with my current universe and I should simply start over from scratch. I have experienced this remnant issue with the March 2009 version. I haven't had time to test it with a 2010 version yet, I'm too busy programming for a big show, and that's my priority right now.
I am using the April 30 2010 version.

I had read all of the posts about dimmer packs which is why I selected a random 1 channel profile and renamed it to the name of what light I was controlling. In this case I was controlling an H2O light that does not have DMX so I just use the dimmer pack plug 1 to turn it on and off. Very nice effect by the way. I also used another plug on the dimmer to kick on the Haze generator (also no dmx). So I renamed one of the 1 channel profiles to H20 and another to Haze. They work fine at turning the respective units on and off. My problem occurred when I relocated the dimmer pack to another address. Then I had the profile remnants show up and I could not delete them.

At least it is good to know someone else has had the same issue and it is not because I am still new at using myDMX.

Thanks for you suggestions.
Also I found the 2010 version on Jingles dropbox site and installed it based on an earlier post by him. Thanks to Jingles for making it easy to find all of these files.

Having the files available is more than enough but if it is possible it would be good to have a short excerpt describing what the files are for in some cases. For example I wasn't sure if the 2010 file was for everyone such as me (using XP) or just for 64 bit users. Jingles kindly let me know it was for everyone.

Also - I was just looking at Jingles dropbox again and had another idea if possible: To have some sort of date identifier on the files so someone can check it to see if what they have is as current as what is posted on the dropbox. If dropbox doesn't allow that kind of extra info you could incorporate it into the file name such as 2010-08-04-01 profile name.ssl The last -01 is for a version number.

Don't run hazers or foggers off dimmer packs. Don't do it. Not smart.

In the case of hazers, you can set and forget. I had a show where DMX failed for some odd reason, so I had to use the wired remote. Set and forget. Results were acceptable. But, see, these units take time to warm up to get to proper operating temperatures(foggers, hazers and the like), and so you have to take that into consideration. Plus, in some cases, the high draw could exceed the power draw allowed on a per channel basis. So, DMX or not, you do need to change your mindset in order to safeguard your gear.

In the case of my producer's crap-tastic fogger, it's a 1500-watt draw device. It exceeds the power rating on a channel of my PP-DMX20L's or DP-DMX20L's, or my pair of chauvet 4-channel dimmers(newer DP-DMX20L equivalents). It also requires a 15 minute warm-up time before it can do it's thing(do fog bursts). My little ADJ Fog Storm 700's also need a warm-up time, but I don't know how long it is, but let's just say 5 minutes to be safe, and then it has a mandatory duty cycle regardless if it's being used on not, which is just stupid.

I think there is some what in MyDMX toadd non-DMX fixtures, like foggers/hazers and whatnot. You'd have no real control of them outside of placement, which can be important.

Since for the next 24 days, I will be living, eating, sleeping, breathing, pee'ing and crapping my big show(with short breaks here and there), I'm in no mood to want to try playing around with MyDMX to check this stuff. Normally, I wouldn't mind though. During June and July, I was doing lots of goofy stuff with MyDMX.
Just out of curiosity - Why doesn't adj put the most current updates on their web pages?

Also in regard to the labeling (since I am a newbie and not familiar with the forum as well)- I wasn't sure if this was an official release or a special release created to help a specific group of users to get by until an official release (or something of that nature).

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