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I have a question about how large of a DMX controller I would need to control 4 of the Par-64 LED cans.

If each LED fixture can do RED, GREEN, and BLUE, does that mean that each PAR CAN would take up 3 fixture slots on a DMX controller?

DMX controllers are all rated by the number of fixtures they control, so I'm confused about the size of the controller needed to control 4 of these LED fixtures if they can do 3 colors independantly.

Does "3 colors times 4 fixtures" mean I need a 12-fixture controller?
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ok. the number of dmx chanels in a light does not mean each channel is a fixture button. each fixture including all the channels a light has can be put on 1 fixture button. so for example if u have the dmx operator 192 u have 12 fixtures to assign and each fixture button has 16 dmx channels on it. so 16 x 12 is 192. meaning u havea total of 192 dmx channels at ur disposal.
now using that knowledge for the dmx led pars: so if u have 4 of the adj par 64 led cans u are using a total of 24 dmx channels. and if say for example u got the dmx operator 192 like i was just talkin about u wil have to assign two pars to 1 fixture button and 2 to the other. and the address for that will be: led 1 will be at a001 and led 2 will be at a007 and then u put the other two on the next fixture button which mean u are gonna skip the rest and u start on the first chanel on the next button which is led can 3 on a017 and then led can 4 on a024. any questions abou this ask me. peace! jingles!!
one thing i forgot to mention is that since the par mix's red, green and blue that does not mean it is 3 seperate fixtures. it mean it can do more than one function. it has 6 dmx chanenls and the first three are red, green and then blue and the other 3 channels are used for color macros and strobing and a dimming pulse effects and various color scrolls. so u really only need a controller than can handle 24 dmx channels but it is always advised to get bigger than what u will need in case u want to expand in the futre which believe me once u get goin into lighting u will never want to stop. it is very addictiong to some of us and myself aswell!! please fell free to ask any and all questions you may have. we are here to help each other! peace! jingles!!
Thanks Jingles.......that was a great reply

I'm going to order the operator's a great price with plenty of extra room for what I hope to add in the future!

BTW....I love the ADJ PAR64 WHITE LED also. I installed one in the middle of my Dura Truss, and it adds a nice flash of bright white that matches the bass note of the music

It's sort of like a mild strobe effect that probably won't piss people off if I leave it on for a while

I picked up the operator 192, and I've got my four P64 LED cans all working now, but only after making a call to tech support.

The manual said the P64 LED is a 6-channel light, so I addressed the four cans as 1, 7, 13, 19, leaving 6 channels per fixture.

But the guy @ tech support said to address them in blocks of 16.

So I did 1, 17, 33, 49

They all work now, but I'm confused why it didn't work when I allowed for blocks of 6.

What am I missing here?
why it didn' work was cause u had part of one light on fixture buttin numbr 1 and the other part on fix. button number 2. like i said u would have to split them up onto two different fx buttons. so pars 1 and 2 ar addressed 1 and 7 then pars 2 and 4 are addressed 17 and 24. also if u wanted to acess the second fixture u would actually need to put it on the next channel bank to make it even easier so par 1 would start at 1 and then par two would start at 9. and then par 3 would start at 17 and then par 4 would start at 25.
so pars 1 and 3 would be on the first chanel banks (faders 1-8) and then pars 2 and 4 would be on the next channel bank (same faders just hit the chanel bank button) understand? or u can leave them how u have them that way each par is 1 fix. button. sorry if thisis confusing you i have been up since 5am CT time. peace! jingles!! let me know if u need anything else!

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