OK, It is a 21 wire cable. This cable uses 20 wires as Hot's and one ground. These are soldered to Soca-pex Ends, and We have bars pre wired with 10 pars on it. The Soca-pex end attaches to one end of the bar, and feeds 10 of those pars. On the other end of the bar there is another Socapex end which feeds to the next bar. So it kind of goes like this.
Wire 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 Feed The First Bar...
Wire 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 Run straight bipassed to Feed the Second bar of 10.
Wire 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 Still continue on and out and bypass through the second bar to the 3rd and so on.
Confusing I know. I'll try to post some pics. But we use a board that dims 20 channels, so when you dim channel 1 It will dim the 1st ParCan on Bars 1,3 & 5, And the channel 2 dimmer will dim the first Par on bars 2,4, & 6.....Understand? So there is one cable that goes from the light controller to the first bar. Then one that "jumps" from the frist to second, second to third and so on. So technically there are 6 cables, but it is daisy chained through the bars. We use the same concept on our Mobile Trusses (big) that we use for school dances. Each custom truss holds 4 pars, 8 pins, and 3 effects, and are fed by 1 single cable, and everything is pre-wired in the truss.
I'll try to post some pics tonight.
And remember you asked.