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So i've sent my op pro board in for service b/c there were issues with saving to the cf card. (yes i have the cards issued from adj, 2 different ones to be exact) Received a new board from adj. With a different card, yet I still receive the exact same errors I did with the previous op pro and other cf card. I think the operator pro is a great board and it performs very well, my only complaint is in it's ability to save to the cf card. I would love to see this problem with these boards worked out. Like I said I absolutely love the board I just really need to be able to save and load information on to it. ADJ guys out there, I've noticed that it seems to be the save all feature that "messes up" the most. If I try to save a chase and load it back into the board , 9/10 times it works. However, If i try to save all rarely does it ever work. (this holds true for the 2 different boards I've attempted it on) -Mike
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Thats interesting. I haven't received my CF cards yet from the store I ordered them from. I moved on an got a Show Designer 2D though (got the drive on it!). I noticed that the joystick on my Op Pro is not centered anymore. It still hits the whole range from 0-255 so its usuable, but 128/128 isnt near the center at all. I was going to sell the board but I might just hang on to it for smaller venues where I can only run some pars and washes. Show designer doesnt have a master dimmer at all...

Oh, you have a dura truss (saw your picks and that helped me decide to get it). What is the pre drilled hole layout like on the truss?

Kev, I'd hold on to the op pro board I really do like it a lot, I just need the ability to save and load information. As for the show designer i'm very surprised theres no master dimmer...

I took a few pics of one of the sections of my dura truss. If you have any other questions let me know...

Thanks Mike! That answers my question. I thought that the tubes were drilled so you could mount to those w/out using clamps. Would weaken it somewhat... My setup is a lot like yours actually. I have 2 DJ Spot 250s that Im going to mount on the outsides of the truss, then 4 pocket scans, 2 on the inside of each DJ Spot, and I have a Trackpod 30 on its way that will be centered facing forward. my controller will use the 48 channel mode and control each of the 8 pods independenty. So I can do some neat color changing patterns. I dont know how bright they will be. If its bright enough I will aim them down to the drumset underneat, otherwise it will be a visual effect (like the stage for the BlueMan group. Get their DVD of their concert if you get a chance, great lighting ideas there, very different as all the vertical parts of the stage itself are made of plasma screens). If it works out well, I might get one more to do 16 pods across the truss. Also its dim enough that it shouldn't wash out my pockets or spots. Just hope I have time to set everything up before the shows start Smiler For the front of the stage I have 2 stage washes. The eat some wattage though, 3 500 watt bulbs. I have 4 of these, but was planning on 1 on each of the front corners of the stage. I'll use the other 2 for venues w/ power and no room (and probably the op pro.) I like the op pro, but after programming the stage designer, I realize while the pro is quick to code up, it could have been a lot better. How many times have you been programming a chase (actually a show) and realize that only 1 fixture was selected and you have to do it all over again? heehee But I miss the par can side of the board. I use my washes in 2 channel mode (color and brightness) and use the showdesigners preset to store the brightness level. I make high, med and low. Then I can adjust these to the venue and all my scenes/shows/chases will use the new value. I works pretty well. The board was made for intels only really, or perhaps a set stage like a nightclub where you know your levels/limits ahead of time. I'll have to ask you about power draw later. I saw your post about having a generator Smiler

Very cool Kev. I just picked up 6 elation power spot 575's and 6 elation power wash 250's. Realllllly nice lights. Highly suggest them if they fit anyones budget. Take some pictures of your setup if u get a chance i'd love to see it. Yeah hit me up anytime i'm always willing to help out in anyway i can when it comes to lighting, I usually end up learning a thing or two as well. Have you had any experience with wireless DMX?

Hey support guys out there is it possible to order an additional 5ft section of truss for the dura truss system???

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