Thanks Mike! That answers my question. I thought that the tubes were drilled so you could mount to those w/out using clamps. Would weaken it somewhat... My setup is a lot like yours actually. I have 2 DJ Spot 250s that Im going to mount on the outsides of the truss, then 4 pocket scans, 2 on the inside of each DJ Spot, and I have a Trackpod 30 on its way that will be centered facing forward. my controller will use the 48 channel mode and control each of the 8 pods independenty. So I can do some neat color changing patterns. I dont know how bright they will be. If its bright enough I will aim them down to the drumset underneat, otherwise it will be a visual effect (like the stage for the BlueMan group. Get their DVD of their concert if you get a chance, great lighting ideas there, very different as all the vertical parts of the stage itself are made of plasma screens). If it works out well, I might get one more to do 16 pods across the truss. Also its dim enough that it shouldn't wash out my pockets or spots. Just hope I have time to set everything up before the shows start
For the front of the stage I have 2 stage washes. The eat some wattage though, 3 500 watt bulbs. I have 4 of these, but was planning on 1 on each of the front corners of the stage. I'll use the other 2 for venues w/ power and no room (and probably the op pro.) I like the op pro, but after programming the stage designer, I realize while the pro is quick to code up, it could have been a lot better. How many times have you been programming a chase (actually a show) and realize that only 1 fixture was selected and you have to do it all over again? heehee But I miss the par can side of the board. I use my washes in 2 channel mode (color and brightness) and use the showdesigners preset to store the brightness level. I make high, med and low. Then I can adjust these to the venue and all my scenes/shows/chases will use the new value. I works pretty well. The board was made for intels only really, or perhaps a set stage like a nightclub where you know your levels/limits ahead of time. I'll have to ask you about power draw later. I saw your post about having a generator