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This is just to cover all bases.

I'm thinking of expanding my UV lighting collection from a single P64 LED UV(which works great) to getting 2 more UV lights. I haven't seen the director's notes yet so this might be a waste of time.

I am using the 64 LED UV center stage as a footlight. Since we have to deal with this stupid platform, I may leverage that for more distance between this light and the target(single person).

To expand coverage, I am debating getting 2 more, or 2 UVLED BAR16 lights, but those seem a big expensive. What is the throw and coverage pattern on those lights? I'm thinking I'm going to be at least 12-15 feet from the performer, and am going to aim these IN from the corners, while still leaving the P64 LED UV in position. Just want to hit the target more from all angles and really light her up.
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I'm still debating what to get, but those concepts help. I don't need to do full stage wash at the moment, but options are alwys nice.

I gotta go through my photo archive and see if I've got a decent snap of what I'm trying to do to show you guys. I'll make an effort on my event December 11th to document this during tech rehearsals.

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