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Well, if you've been over to the Am Audio section you've seen my frustration with my new cd players. Now its ADJ's turn to piss me off.
I ordered 4 micro-galaxians in late December. I got the box in last Friday and paid my COD which seemed less than what it should. After the driver leaves I open the box to find my 4 brand new Arriba Speaker bags! Yay! I'm so happy I got 4 new bags, its just what I ordered. Its amazing that I ordered from one company and got a product from another (I know all about being sister companies but you can't order from both on the same ticket). I call returns, the give me an RA and send me over to sales to get my lasers sent to me. As it turns out, they sent my lasers to someone wanting bags and now the blessed things are on back order!! 3 cheers for my life. I defend this company on every Dj forum I'm a member of, but its getting old.
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