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my lastest problem....

After spending ages trying to get my first 'dongle' to work I finally gave up and sent it back for a replacement. The next one arrived the very next day and hey presto it worked first time.

So I had a quick play with a couple of lights and then put it to one side whilst I got on designing my stage / rig set up. Now all that is done I today connected my dongle to my pc and guess what it does not work. The power light is on but no USB light.

ok so the process followed....

1. tried on 4 different machines
2. tried 5 different known working usb cables
3. tried ALL the usb ports on both machines
4. uninstalled mydmx and drivers
5. reinstalled from a fresh download of the site
6. rebooted / shutdown numerous times on both machines

Do I have ANOTHER dead unit??

I am really starting to get a bit fed up with this now, I am spending far too much time trying to get this to work. I am also starting to think Mydmx is completelty un-reliable after reading many of the posts and comments on the forum and the web, surely I cant be that unlucky to get 2 dead units in a row??

I know the guys on here are very helpful especially Jingles and I am sorry if my text above seems 'angry' but to be honest I am angry I have paid good money for something that seems it is not fit for purpose

If anyone has any suggestions on how to resolve this latest issue I would appriciate some advise although to be honest I am just thinking to send it back and get a refund and try something else.

rant over !

many thanks
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