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So I just learned that the new MyDmx will not have an upgrade and will not work with my existing controller that I just bought 2 months ago. This is how AmericanDj does business? I get charged full price for an outdated piece of equipment and then they won't upgrade? I have spent thousands on ADJ equippment but that won't happen anymore! I will not recommend your products to peers or anyone else for that matter. If people ask I will tell them you sell outdated items for full price. I will also make sure this goes out on Facebook for everyone to see. I know you have fan boys that will probably flame me for this but who cares. Ripping people off and in this economy, Maybe you should change your company name to ChineseDJ
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Hello Ross. We have been advertising the the My DMX 2.0 for several months informing customers of the new latest and greatest software. New products comes out pratically every other month so items becoming out of date often is common for many vendors and consumers. With that being said it is not obsolete to the point where an item is useless. It just simply does not have the latest bells and whistles.I would like to discuss this with you by phone. Please call me at 800-322-6337 ext 551 or you can inbox me your phone number
If your MyDmx 1 works fine, there is technicaly no need to buy the new 2.0. The new one has new features and such. But, in basic use, is the same. We upgraded to fix some issues and to support the new windows software and for the Apple computers. In all of these changes, windows had several changes (for example: the drivers went from operating at 32bit to 64bit) So, in order for the program to even connect to the interface, we had to redesign parts of the program. In effect, created a whole new software program. This is why the MyDmx2 does not run the MyDmx1 interface.
As it sits, there is no plan on having an upgrade, isnt to say that this cant change in the future... We will still support 1.0, however, we just do not sell it anymore.
I have to admit I was also extremely disappointed with the lack of upgrade availability. I had purchased myDMX in late June on the basis of a recommendation, but unfortunately for me, the music store provided no information on the fact the upgrade had been released. As a result, I am also in the boat where I just dropped a few hundred dollars for v1.0.

When I learned of the upgrade two days later (after visiting the forums), I contacted the place of purchase. Of course, the music store told me since the software was open, no refund, no exchange. Incredibly frustrating. ADJ may not sell the product anymore, but as I learned, other outlets still do.

We are getting by using v1.0. It is just very frustrating to know that v2.0 is out with some nice additions and I'm SOL. We are able to get some of the effects done in v1.0, but it's a lot of setup time that's built-in (from what I've read) in v2.0

While I understand that the v1.0 dongle can't be supported forever, I was surprised to learn that v1.0 dongle (or at least backward-compatible use) is not possible only one version later.

We're looking at other products as I'm certainly now hesitant to drop another cent on Elation products if every new version will require a $300 upgrade to get new features. Yes, our v1.0 does much of what we want it to do, but I do feel a bit ripped off and you can bet that will influence future purchases as we upgrade our band's lighting equipment over time.

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