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They did it again .Descontinued a light ,they never keep one stable , I was afraid to start buying or investing on something that there is no future , to buy more,parts,etc .Something you can feel confident to start buying ,because later you can keep peace of mind that you gonna buy more to have bigger system. I got four and I was saving to buy more ,They not even gime time ,and in the future if one breaks where I gonna get one (replacement) only at the yunk yards? of course, you still maybe can get some out there! Mostly of us are not rich, we work hard for .Still if I was rich and if I bought 20 ultrascan 250 if I Knew that they gonna dicontinued in 2 years I wuld'nt buy them .Whe I was thinking that AMDJ came out with a nice pro light I got desapointed they cut out my career .We need some , some products that we can feel confident about the time; more PRO that means Life time Support for producs that we buy with a very hard hearned bucks not Disposable and hard to find with the time
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But, on the bright side, when lights are discontinued, they usually get sold allot cheaper. This means you can pick up the extras you wanted for less $$$$$$$

Seriously though, when ADJ discontinues a light, it is usually based on a few circumstances.......
1) The released a similiar light with better features, at around the same price point. No sense in competing with yourself.
2) They are going to release a newer "improved" version of the light.....or
3) Unfortunately the sales weren't doing well for that particular light, and they had to cut their losses.
You guys don't understand:
1- Active scan is better but more expensive.(and who knows, that in a couple years they may dicontinued too. like they used to do it, and the same thing they won't give you chance of buying more( lets say that your goal are 20 in three years because mostly of us are not rich to buy them at once, and them ,what about the future of parts!!?
2-Don't tell me about new tech, fixtures alike have been at the market since years. And mostly of the new ones are almost alike what someones do others dont and sometimes they just change the body. We are not talking about higher ones 250 575 2000 etc since the history of intels we had those intensity choices. That doesn't impress me.
3-Altmost all my lights are from other B.I use a comp. to do the programing I made a user profile for ultras for a major B. I know very much about lights. when I looked at the ultras for the features and price I was facinated (as well as elation escanners)But they desspointed me."One thing is coming w somthng new and another descontinuing products all the time and very fast, no future-no stability.
So.. bye guys .I just gonna keep it on my other home of lights the one I been for years.And I hope AMDJ don't discontinue the parts for ultras250 in the next year, because in 2 years from now if I need some parts what I gonna do? WHAT I GONNA DO????Trow them away And buy the new ones at that time . " You guys think Smart for your own benefit not for the company".
Originally posted by Edi DEVASTY Lagos Mex:
[qb] So.. bye guys .I just gonna keep it on my other home of lights the one I been for years.And I hope AMDJ don't discontinue the parts for ultras250 in the next year, because in 2 years from now if I need some parts what I gonna do? WHAT I GONNA DO????Trow them away And buy the new ones at that time . " You guys think Smart for your own benefit not for the company".
Bye AMDJ> [/qb]
So let me get this straight. . . if a light comes out that's more lightweight, has better optics, is in a smaller housing, has faster movement and is about $100 cheaper than the original ultra map price, that's a bad thing??? OK. . . that almost makes sense. . . The ultrascan was a GREAT unit to go against the 518 and what have you, however it does take a lot of juice from the wall, and the Active has some newer things happening in there. . I would give it a shot. Or move into moving heads.
Don't understand: It's not about ""Finding a better light"" or about Knowing features from newer lights, we all know that "altmost" all new is better .This is about the smartest way to purchase and save money thinking on: to have pace of mind because of the soupport and future of the fixtures that you are buying. "finding a good looking fixtures is easy but ,finding a fixture that comes whith a good background and will continue good,for a good time is other thing. For most of us ,that we can not afford to have millions of dollrds. to buy disposable fixtures over and over and buy this, and buy there. Now< do you Know what I MEAN?
Originally posted by Edi DEVASTY Lagos Mex:
[qb] Don't understand: It's not about ""Finding a better light"" or about Knowing features from newer lights, we all know that "altmost" all new is better .This is about the smartest way to purchase and save money thinking on: to have pace of mind because of the soupport and future of the fixtures that you are buying. "finding a good looking fixtures is easy but ,finding a fixture that comes whith a good background and will continue good,for a good time is other thing. For most of us ,that we can not afford to have millions of dollrds. to buy disposable fixtures over and over and buy this, and buy there. Now< do you Know what I MEAN? [/qb]
Have you ever bought a car?
Umm, I get his point.

Tra**spots have been a workhorse for many years and still perform wonderfully. Same as Intellabombs etc... and they're still available all over the place. Will you still be able to buy MightyScan pieces in 5 years? who knows?

I think it's more of a lifetime issue he's concerned about. Not a slightly different model with the whole "New and Improved" feeling to go with it.

Will ADJ ever have a "staple" light that continues to sell well for years without massive changes?

PS- Reflex 300 is awesome. lol
I also see the point. A person doesn�t build up a fleet of the same year of car because, well cars are cars. I can�t say a 2002 and a 2003 Ford Focus aren�t that far apart.

But with lighting if I want to buy 10 pocket scans but cant afford it right away and I purchase two now and two within the next 4 months then I would like the pocket to be around until I have my ten. But if I purchase my two and then they are discontinued before I get the rest of them that would be a little frustrating? Granted I could still find the pockets used or something down the rode.

I also understand better lights for less money, but that doesn�t mean all the gobos match and all the colors are the same to make for easy smooth programming.

Let me say it in the big scale. Allot of Theme Parks depend on Cybers. And Cybers are always around. A Theme park would not like to have a show running on Cybers only to find out they are discontinued when one can�t be repaired and needs replacing. They put their money into something that will be around for awhile to avoid either taking a light out of a show or purchasing a "better" light but having to deal with it differences from the existing system.

See the point? This guy is just saying he wants something to be around for awhile so he can complete his system and if something goes wrong he knows he can purchase a component for his system that would be the same as the one he is replacing.

That's too bad about the Ultrascan 250 being discontinued! We have 4 in our large light show and for what we paid for them there was nothing close for the money with rotating gobos and something that bright. Granted these suckers were a little heavy, but we hang them from truss so it really didn't matter. We also have 4 of the Concept 2's that rock as well. Hope they don't discontinue them any time soon. Only problem i've had so far with the concept 2's is one broken mirror, that was fixed yeaterday for $16. Not bad. Hooray American DJ.......

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