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I just purchased the Galaxian Laser and have no idea what is meant by "blackout mode." Can someone please tell me. Also,if I would like to mount this light on a tripod, can someone recommend a decent tripod and clamp? Lastly, what does the "NAST" stand for on the display before the menu button is pressed? Thanks in advance.

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The Galaxian doesn't weigh much at 6 lbs. So I would say you can probably use a C-Clamp, found here. Also, don't forget a safety cable when hanging things, found here.

As for stands, there are many options. Look here for AMDJ's lighting stand section. Anything in this section should work for you for just hanging a Galaxian. Each stand has a weight limit, so just be mindful of them.
I think blackout mode really means "all ZEROS", which SHOULD also mean "shutters closed, bulbs off", as applicable.

My QSpot 150's have shutters so the bulb stays on all day/night long. Ain't going that route again. I don't mind shutters, but I don't like having the fixture non-dimmable.

Chances are, NAST is a engineering "good enough" for MAST, which is short for MASTER, as oppose to SLAV, which has nothing to do with people in middle Europe. But I ain't downloading a manual. I just finished edting 7 shows and converting those into web-oriented previews and then converting those exported files into .wmv files. I'm tired, It's been a long 72 hours this week. I look forward to being in a coma on Friday so I'm not a zombie for my gig on Saturday. I get to use lights again. Whee!

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