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Ok..I have been using the mydmx at our church for about a year. We have had no issues until a few months ago when we added a few more dmx cans. When I shutdown my computer, the mydmx module turns off & then some of our lights begin blinking & such until the the computer is turned back on. I have read where a splitter/booster might help in this regard. I hooked up an elation branch 4 today & separated my runs into 2. When I turned off the computer, bam, still have the problem.

So you will have more info. I am using all DMX cable & we do have 2 long runs from our booth to our stage. Around 75 feet. I have around 28 dmx fixtures (mix of adj & chauvet cans & strips). I also have a couple of chauvet prod6 packs that we have run our house lights to.

To let you know, none of the higher end chauvet strips or the chauvet prod6 packs have the erratic behavior when the dmx signal is lost. I believe they were all programmable as to what to do when losing signal.

Any ideas?
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