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You didn't list any type of controller to control your lighting. My suggestion is to buy a controller first, like a DMX operator. Without a controller, you will never explore the fullest potential of your intelligent lighting. My operator controller controls scanners, a strobe, and a slew of dimmer packs. Truly versatile.

Other things to consider:

~Do you have tripods or truss to get your lights
in the air?
~Do you own a fogger or hazer?
~Safety cables for all your lights?
~Nice cases for your lighting investment (not rubbermaid bins or cardboard boxes)?
~Nice black extension cords to power your lights?

I don't think the answer to your equipment needs is more intels. If you bought 2 concept scanners you would have three different types of scanners to lug around. My suggestion is to decide which scanners you like the best and go with one type of scanner (as opposed to two or three). This will make programming a lot easier. Having nice matching fixtures gives a more professional appearance.

If you want to upgrade to concepts, don't go half way there and have 2 nice cool scanners and some other scanners. Sell your old scanners and get 4 nice matching scanners.

You also want to make setup and teardown as fast as possible. Go with DMX for everything. One DMX cable goes to your intels, then to your Facinator and you are done. With a DMX operator, create some nice custom shows and you will be rockin.
I'd say those are some excellent words by tuck... cases are often overlooked for lighting equipment however when your moving them around constantly you need something to protect them the rubber made bins and such just dont offer the protection required for intels. I've played that game before and it's a losing battle. Also if your looking for trussing, I highly suggest taking a look at the dura truss system i've been quite pleased with it.
just viewed a demo of the Scan 250's today... $219 new from good sites ive seen... however, it has that sleek professional look of the active scan, and although case shouldn't matter, concepts look retarded. The output is amazing! Brighter than my Dj Spots and Scan Trons, and the beam angle is bigger, so all i can say is amazing optics. Nice sweet strobe feature is so fast, u cant even see the wheel moving, like the scan trons. Even though its not a seperate shutter it looks great. thats my 2 cents.
I agree with Tuck. Get all one type of scanner. It is a pain in the @%$ to program them if they are not all the same. There is no "standard" in which the DMX traits are setup. What would be one color on one scanner might be another on the other type. I purchased two DJ Scan 250's and then decided to get two of the Scan 250's. Wish I wouldn't have done it. I thought I knew enough to buy, as a musician friend of mine had a nice intelligent show that I played under for years, and I thought I had studied up, but I didn't. Really, I think the only way to make a good choice would be to see them all side by side, but after seeing some 3-600 dollar scans from a compettitor, I can honestly say that the scan 250 is a GREAT choice. If I can peddle the DJ scan 250's, I plan to get two more of the Scan 250's. They ROCK!! I have a DMX-50, and they program very easily, and the scenes look as I programmed them when played back. I can't say the same for the DJ scan 250's. I have to program the pairs separately, and it's just a bit cumbersome.

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