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Here's what I'm trying to do... we have a band coming in to hold a concert at our church. Problem is, our church is so plain.. and well, "churchy" looking. I want to invest some money (but not too much Big Grin ) on some lighting effects to liven up the atmosphere. I saw a video of a concert where they projected some lighting effects unto the backdrop of the stage and i kinda wanted to get the same effect. Any suggestions?

Don't even know if i should be asking this here, but i found some ******* Aquabeams on the internet that were impressive and just around my budget... does anyone have any opinions about the ******* Aquabeam? I was thinking about purchasing one, thats til a friend told me to checkout American DJ first. So since I'm here now... does ADJ have anything similar to the Aquabeam (same price range too, if possible)?
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First of all welcome to the forum. Secondly, sorry since this is American DJ's website we cannot comment, speak of, or recommend competitors products.

To help answer your question better. May I ask what your budget is? How big is the stage you want to light up? Where you looking to only light the stage and band? or do you want some light to reach your audiance as well?

You have many options, depending on your budget. You can build a small, but powerful show for under $1000. If you only have a few hundred. Your options are limited.
our stage is very small, and we already have spotlights to light up the performers.. so it's actually just the backdrop that i want to light up. I'm thinking of purchasing some colored gel for a few of the spots to create more color, but what I really want is some nice lighting effect for the backdrop because one, we're not really allowed to alter the stage physically because it is a church sanctuary.. two, we could always make cardboard backdrops, but i think that looks really cheesy and is too time consuming.

As for my budget... Big Grin thats the tricky part. Remember that this is for my "church", it was hard enough to convince the deacons to allow a concert... any lighting costs would have to come out of my own pocket. So realistically, i can only shell out something between $200-$500. It is a very small stage (i'd say appx. 15ft in width), so maybe a couple lighting effects would be sufficient. Also, is there a cheap way of projecting a gobo of our event name? Or is that already out of my budget? Thanks in advance for your help.

Oh, and the audience doesn't have to be lighted.
Kinjo, myself being the light/sound/special fx tech at my church, I myself have had to find ways to put on a concert type show. Most churches dont want a huge lightshow, let alone a concert in their church, which is understandable at times. Our church stage is bigger, than yours, but with my money as the budget, I get a few things, then set it up and see what it looks like, then if I have more money and want something better, I go for more. With yor budget of $500, I suggest you try renting lights, because its cheaper and if you dont want them at the end, you arent stuck with them. But if there isnt a place to rent things, thats no good. I dunno what the aquabeam is, unless you mean Omni-systems-. If you want scanning, go with two pockets because if you can hang them, or rent a stand that goes about 15feet into the air, it looks impressive. You could get a few water/oil beam effects to shine on the walls, but thats not really anything visual. Or, you can get two DJ scans, (under $130 at most DJ stores). You may read in other forum listings that they aer horrible lights, but dont agree with it, because you havent tried them yet. I have one, and its very very awesome. I use it at youth on wednesdays, and its bright, has impressive effects, and two or four would put on a good concert show. Let us know how it goes! And if you really want to rent, e-mail me ( I know of a good place to rent.

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