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Hey everybody:

Please go easy on me, I'll admit right now, I'm a total noob when it comes to intelligent lighting. However, I'm putting together a small-ish rock concert as a fundraiser, and we're looking to step it up a bit this year with some intelligent lighting.

We've got some rentals all lined up, we're getting (unless I suddenly find out that this is a horrible idea :P) 2 AmDJ Revo IIIs, 2 AmDJ Dual Gem LEDs, and an AmDJ Starball.

I'll be running a DMX board anyway for the regular stage lighting, but I'm trying to figure out how to control the lights as well. I understand that they are all DMX controllable, but I don't want to have to manually run them all, I want them to operate in Sound Active mode. However, I need to be able to turn them on and off from the sound/light area.

I see that it is possible to get a remote control for all of the lights, but I'm not sure if I can rent them. Would my best option be to find out if I can rent a remote for each light? Is there some way that I can just use DMX to turn the lights on and off?

I'm sort of all over the place here, I really have no idea how best to do this, so any advice at all relating to anything I've said here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
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1: You're going to be running them all with the regular stage lighting. OK, no problem. They are all DMX fixtures, right? If so, you're good to go UNLESS you're out of DMX channels. I doubt that's going to be the issue though.

(I'm not downloading and reading manuals, but I suggest you do so)

2: If you want to find out if they have a sound active mode while under DMX control, consult the manuals. Not all fixtures that have a "stand alone sound active mode" also have a sound mode when in DMX mode. It's been a gotcha issue that has annoyed more than a few users. I am not one of those people who have had an issue with this.

But, let's assume the lights you're going to try to procure/rent are DMX, then it's not a big deal. ASSUMING they are not DMX lights, you're going to need dimmer packs, or at least sufficient channels and power capacity to run those lights via dimmer packs.

Here's my advise when using Hi-Tech FX with dimmer packs: Generally, don't. These days that's not so true. The newer truss-mounted dimmer packs have an option to change a channel from dimming to switching(on/off), so you shouldn't have any issues.

If these lights are all sound active, it's a good cop-out but acceptable solution to get a lot of light show for little investment or lack of time for your event. I have certain scanner type lights and other high-tech FX that are sound active and while I do give up some control, I find my results to be acceptable for the events.

So, you don't really need a remote control. You'd need to rent or borrow some dimmer packs. Hell, if you were located near me, I'd just loan them to you for the event, chances are I'm not using them anyways. I know, that's bad business, but it's a fundraiser, hell, I'd do sound for ya for cheap.

Dimmer packs just simply add capability to your existing lighting rig. ParCans are typically controller via dimmers or dimmer packs anyways, so this isn't anything new. And it sounds like you already have some lighting experience, so I'm just surprised none of this crossed your mind yet.

Since I'm feeling too lazy to download and read manuals or even investigate the fixtures, you'll need to clue me in a bit.

I will tell you this much, which should leave you with a good feeling: What you want to do is entirely possible and rather easily.

Have fun and ask more questions.
Thanks for the reply Smiler

The Revo III is a DMX effect, but the Dual Gem and Starball are intended to be standalone (no DMX). Upon reading the manual, it would appear that the Revo III can be run in Sound Active mode controlled by DMX.

I assumed that using dimmers with effect lighting would be a bad idea. I didn't know that you could get dimmers with a switching mode, I might have to look into that. How does that work with the faders on a controller? I would assume that 0-127 would be off, and 128-255 is on, is that correct?

Thanks for all your help so far, I really appreciate it.

It's pretty much exactly as you think it is.

The older ADJ DP-DMX20L's are DIMMER ONLY units. I have 3 of these. I like them quite a bit. The older and discontinued PP-DMX20L's are power packs, or on/off units(switching).

The latest DP-DMX20L's now have more guts and programming to allow you to set any channels to dimming or switching mode.

There's no problem using effects lighting on dimmers, PROVIDED you power them up right away(go from off to full ON ASAP!), or in a switched mode. I don't know exact values, but my guess would be the same as yours as far as "anything 127 and below is off, anything 128 and above is FULL on"

Rent or borrow an appropriate dimmer or power pack and you'll be fine.

I have these Chauvet Power packs, cost like hlf as much as the ADJ ones, with detachable IEC cables for power, and also has the same dimming/switching per channel. Works just fine. Was short on money and needed them fast. Given the choice, I'd rather have gotten the ADJ ones.
I have 3 reveoIII's and 2 DMX starballs but I havent used the Dual Gem LEDs but I assume they hav a DMX version It all depends what you want to do. If you want them to match your stage lightin. Like when you have all your lights blue on stage useing DMX you can have the Revos go to blue also or what ever color you want using theright DMX chanel. but if you just want the reveo to go through some of its inturnal programs i would then put it as stated above place it on a DMX swith and just turn it on in Master Slave mode/ Stand alone.... The Star ball you have to program ach and every step to make it look as cool as it's stand alone mode / Sound actave ...the Sound active mode with starballs looks great they are very cool and I would sugest running them stand alone/master slave if you run more than one to sysc them together off a DMX switch. Like I said I havent used the Dual Gem LEDs so I have no input on that one but it might act like reveo so it up to you if you need color control use DMX if not a switch and let them run in Stand alone... Hope this helps !!1
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My suggestion to coincide with DirectSound's comments would be to not use a "stand alone mode" on all your like fixtures as it can become "visually confusing" or to busy. If you have to go "stand alone", instead, go Master/slave so they at least are all doing the same thing.

I'd prefer DMX mode, but short of that, with similar lights, I'd have to suggest master/slave.

But, as he said, it all depends on what you want to do. I've got individual addresses for all my 8 64 LED Pros, but even so, they are all doing the same thing. In case I get goofy some day, I've already taken care of the addressing!

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