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Hey does anyone know where to find the new Nebula effect? It is in the new 2010 catalog but I cannot find it anywhere online. I know it is new but dying to see a price on this bad boy. I had thought about buying a Bliss Light but they are too much money. Hoping these do a similar effect and cost far less. Hell I'll buy two. Thnx
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Call your favorite ADJ dealer or retailer so they can give you what you price would be, assuming ADJ has released pricing information to retailers and dealers.

ADJ will only quote MSRP prices, assuming they have a price prepaed.

I budget for MSRP untless I hear otherwise. As we all know, MSRP and street rarely match.
Disclaimer: I'm not an employee, contractor or consultant associated with ADJ or Elation, just a very satisfied user of their products. As I am not priviledged to insider information, anything I say is MY opinion and may not be accurate or factual as it pertains to this postng.

OK, CYA is done.

What you say is entirely possible, but then again, why would this sort of thing be an issue now?

First off, for a a fact. I've seen many fixtures by ADJ and Chauvet which appear EXACTLY alike on the surface, which leads me to think that "if they are the same on the outside, chances are they are the same on the inside". This isn't a defacto true statement, as typically speaking the ADJ fixture typically offers LESS things for MORE money, but typically it's also done at a BETTER QUALIY over the competitor. Things like fewer gobos, smaller color wheel color choices, things like that. So for sure ADJ is ensuring that at the very least, it's a unique DMX chipset over their competition, which as a result requires some different elements installed inside.

(Don't even get me on one of my Chinese rants)

But, all this stuff is coming out from China. Chances are they are doing different runs mainly for graphics stamping/silkscreening purposes. Trying to avoid my "anti-chinese sentiments", but the Chinese are known to steal just about anything. Also, I don't know how things go, but if a few vendors are coming out with damn near identical lights, I honestly doubt they are all doing identical R&D at the same time to come up with vastly similar products. Chances are they are shopping channels to find new fixtures, in addition to doing their own R&D to develop their own fixtures. I'm sure licensing fees are being paid and then contracts are being signed, with companies defining their own DMX chipsets and features. It is possible that things have happened and "deals" have been made too.

Sure, great mind think alike, but come on...

Also, again, my opinion, but I would NEVER shove something into a catalog unless I know 100% for sure I'm going to offer it. Why? So I wouldn't have to run into the exact issue you're bringing up. Now, similarly, I don't like to present products that also are not yet available on my web site, even if I have the product in retail boxes and eating up vast amounts of warehouse space and are ready for an international deployment awaiting the shipping release date(which should ensure retailers and dealers have it in stock on release date). But that's just me. I don't like to say what I "am going to have" that much. But for me,it's different.

Like, and I'll say it right now, I am GOING TO HAVE 8 Elation Opti Tri Pars, but I've been saying this for like 4 months now, and if the money could stick around so I could send it off to the people would sell me the gear, I'd have them by now! I wanted them for February, but I couldn't come up with the money. Wanted them for May, same deal. Now I want them for August, and I have SOME amount of money, but I need MORE!(August!!!) But at maybe 10 days before showtime lag, it makes me nervous. Even so, I'm going to reprogram my entire show based on having these lights anda redone universe. I also have my existing show using my current universe and lighting configuration, which needs a few tweaks but is otherwise still good to go.

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