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what you guys think?
that would be totally cool

i've messed with Luminair, and it's totally cool
no computer required,

not promoting it but,
i hear a new iphone app is coming for that other free software out there, very shortly

how about if ADJ came out with one to work with myDMX software/harware?

you could be sitting having dinner during break at a gig and control lights
or maybe your parter is mixing and your at the bar having a mixed drink and controlling your lights, mixing all kinds of ways !!!

any chance James? ADJ?
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As much as I like the iPhone(I got one, I'll get another one when this one is ready for replacing), this is my complaint, and it's from a marketting and customer satisfaciton point of view only.

If ADJ makes this for the iPhone, why not make it for the iPod Touch and iPad(an iPad is in my future as well). And how far back in the IOS and hardware do they want to go? My iPhone 3G runs like a slug these days with the latest IOS. But I mainly use my phone for phone calls anyways, go figure!

But, then you have the issue with those with Droid OS phones getting all crabby. And what about the Windows based phones? I mean, who am I to want to deny someone a blue screen of death on their mobile device on a show! And what about other smart phone platforms?

I think support for the iPod Touch and iPad would be a given, mainly since you don't have to deal with cellular subscription fees. But, there's no point in developing that if you're going to skip the iPhone, since they all basically are variants of the same thing. I just don't want to isolate customers even though I don't work for ADJ and they aren't my customers or even my problem!

I am in favor of being able to get away from the mix position to adjust lights should the situation require it. It would be great if MyDMX could do something like that.
What Apple needs to do is the "smart thing". I mean, I'm all for in time at least having things phased out. With system 7.1, they marked the end of the 68000 processors. With 7.6, the 68020 and 68030's were phased out. With 8.1, the 68040's were at their end. With System 9.1, the PPC line started to be phased out. With 10.5, anything not an Intel started to be on the firing line.

With the iPhone, as much as annoying as it would be, I'd would have appreciated if Apple would have put a hard restricton on the iPhone's to limit what IOS they should have.

Unfortunately, I can't afford to keep blowing bucks on a new iPhone every 6 months to stay current with Steve Job's e-jerking-off/jerking-around that he loves to do. My contract ran out in December of 2010. Wiht the latest incarnation coming out in June or July, I'm choosing to renew my contract after the latest iPhone comes out. I won't be first in line though, I'll wait at least a couple of weeks. Price drops, lines drop, problems show up and get fixed....(usually). So, chances are I'm looking at August.

But, keep in mind, I've actually done product development, R&D and engineering, albeit for data comm gear. You want to make a product with minimal alienation whenever possible. Doesn't mean everyone will buy it, but you keep the door open for a larger audience. Of course, I was dealing with high-end products for CHOOSY customers who needed industrial strength with industrial options and industrial capabilities and industrial budgets.

Right now, there aren't a whole lot of lighting options for Mac users, but I can understand making a hardware platform choice. But, when it comes to mobile devices, users make one type of choice, and then have to deal with the fall-out.

I for one would love to see a companion app for the iPhone for a newer version of MyDMX. by that, I mean adding some sort of direct tie-in for an option to use a mobile device via a dedicated app.

Mobile device users WHINE like mad. I'd like to see ADJ support the most compatible mobile platforms. I think from a marketting point of view, this would be the best option for at least the longer-term. But, I'd be happy with an iPhone only release since that's a platform I'm sticking with.

As it is, for live events, I'll be using my iPhone to run my iTunes(16-bit 44.1K wav files only!), and that means I can use an iPad as well. I also use my iPhone to control my media player at shows, which I can also do with an iPad(it's a embedded web app in the media player). One more item that can get me away from the console for a bit would certainly be appreciated.

And when the iPhone 5 or whatever they call it comes out, I'll be ready(I hope).

I do get sick and tired of my wife sending me a text when she's in the next room and then getting all crabby on me when it takes me a good 10 seconds or more to be able to even read the damn message that she could have just easily shouted at me! I love technology, I love efficiency even more.
I am in the process of learning Java, then I will start making Apps for Android ( I have and HD2 running android, thanks to ). My dream has always been to create an App with all the functionality of Martin Light Jockey, and would allow you to plug the DMX cable directly into the phone ( using an adapter of course ). I have tried other DMX software, but lightjockey is still my favorite
Honestly though, if we really had something in the works as far as a my dmx app, do you really think we would blow a company secret and post it on the forums for the world to see? I would love to tell you guys exactly what we have planned for a lot of future products etc. but mums the word until just before it comes out or is on our website. I did hear from our devs on this.......but I can't say. Razzer

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