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Hi there,

I have the great MYDMX software and have created some nice chases but need to know how to get them into my DMX Partner.

I read that in order to RECORD scenes into it I must go into the Input, yet the adapter that comes with MYDMX is the wrong way round (male/female etc).

Also can you not just upload a file from MYDMX into the Partner.?

Thanks for any help.
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The MyDMX output is a DMX output. There is a DMX Input on the DMX Partner. There is no adpator that comes with MyDMX other than the DMX dongle, that has a DMX Out. A standard DMX cable should be all you need to get the job done.

I take it that you're using the software off the web site and haven't paid for the MyDMX hardware.

Are you aware that the DMX Partner has its own software? Not sure what it does. I don't have a DMX Partner, so I'm not going to waste time downloading it.

Also, no direct way to transfer from MyDMX to anything else, you have to use the DMX stream to get it done. This has been discussed before, but you'd have wasted more time trying to find that than just asking your question, so you did the right thing by just posting.

Without the MyDMX hardware, you're not going to get any further. Why not just use MyDMX?
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Thanks for your reply Chris, Much appreciated.

I have in fact bought the software and when I said adaptor I did mean dongle.

I managed to get the DMX Partner to record my chases in the end, however it did lead to an issue that I cannot resolve or maybe I just dont understand what I am doing.

Let me explain.
When I am trying to create a slow sweeping movement from left to right for example, the software will not allow me to enter both a Fade Time and a Hold Time. If I want the lights to sweep from left to right in a time of 10 seconds, It will only let me enter 10 seconds for fade time. The Hold time then lasts around 3 seconds, Which I think is calculated as a percentage value depending on the fade time length. (Basically I want a 10 seconds sweep and zero hold time.)

The end result is that I have a nice slow sweep then a not very nice pause. Basically the slower the fade time the less fluid the scene is.

On the other hand when I create a fast chase with a quick fade time the hold time is minimal and I can live with it.
Is there a way to program both fade and hold times on the partner, I believe the hold time is called "Speed" on the partner.

Hope my question makes sense.

Thanks again.
I can't say I'm on the same page with you, but I think I'm in the same bundle of papers with you.

First, I don't use the DMX Partner, never have, never will, so can't be super helpful there.

Second: where are you creating your scenes? The partner software or MyDMX? Even in your follow-up posting, it's not clear what's going on.

With MyDMX, no doubt you know that you can easily change a fade time to make a sweep longer or shorter. And since you've got myDMX, why don't you just use MyDMX? Would seem a lot easier. Not pushing this, but it seems the better soltion to me. Of course I'm biased towards this product.

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