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Hi guys,

Took a trip to my local dealer yesterday and spotted a few good deals. I plan on picking up the following next Saturday...

2 DJ Scan/RG's - $399 ea
1 Fascinator - $549
1 DMX Operator - $299
And a stand very similar to this (without the cranking system) for $189

I plan on having the Fascinator in the middle of the stand, with the two DJ Scan/RG's on either side of the Fascinator. Next to the DJ Scan's I'll have my two lasers (very similar to to the ADJ Laser Widow's) followed by two 75w strobes.

My question is, will this setup work? Will lights get washed out?

I saw a demo of the Fascinator & DJScan/RG's in store yesterday using the DMX Operator, the Fascinator blew me away. I'm not too sure about the DJ Scan/RG's as they seem to be quite choppy, and the price for them just doesn't seem right (my dealer is selling the RG's for $399, and the standards for $650!) The seperate colour & gobo wheel is a MAJOR plus though.

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Sorry bout that double post. Wow really thats the cheapest?! I guess the pricing must be different in Australia. It all sounds great to me! I dont suggest running all the effects at once...caue theyll wash eachother out, but use your creativity oto see what looks best. Oh, keep in mind that especially with your lazers you wont see much of them unless u have some kind of fog or haze. Also fog or haze will add some really cool looking effects to your show. Good luck!

Yeah guys, between the exchange rates, and exporting to Australia, the prices may seem high, but those are actually quite reasonable in Australia.

Flea as far as the standards, are they the DJ-Scans, or DJ Scans-250's? If they are the $250's at the higher price it sounds about right. The DJScan-150-RG's were discontinued, as we as the standard DJScan-150's and those should be a bit lower now. The DJ-scan 250's don't have a (rg) model yet.
Yeah, if I were to do that I'd go with the Pocket Scan system instead. The only problem is getting them to change the power plugs to the aussie ones, which no one who I have contacted will be willing to do. I saw a Pocket Scan system for $1100 USD, I'd LOVE to get it but I simply just can't because of that reason Frowner
Hi guys!

Well I went into store today and picked up 4 DJ Scans, 1 Fascinator & a DMX controller quite similar to the DMX Operator, just a little more advanced. This ended up being only $1830 for the lot (about 40% off on everything in store, closing down sale) - great deal! The scans run fine except for one, there seems to be no tilt when running in sound active mode. I have yet to run them via the DMX contoller as I haven't yet got the XLR leads. What do I need to do here? Is there a faulty lead inside the unit or does it have something to do with the dip switches?

As I said all the other units are fine, I am really surprised by the scans. Although they are choppy it doesn't really matter as we mostly play dance/techno etc. The gobo & colour scrolling really impressed me! The Fascinator, wow. Fantastic product!

Yeah, that's Lightsounds. They sold them to me. Unfortunately they're not too experienced in the fixing business, I know from experience. Anyway, I've had a chat to my friend that's a lighting designer, he thinks that the motor is simply not connected to the board in the unit or it could be something more sinister like the motor driver chip has gone arse up. He said that the cables are definately not too tight because when I tried to move the mirror up and down there was no pressure, where as when I moved it side to side it did have pressure. Apparently I have no option but to open the case up and figure out what the problem is.

Any help?

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