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I've been using ADJ X-Scans on this software for a few years now. I've also added a few Chauvet Intimidator 200 scans as well in the past few months.

Here's the problem, Just recently while creating new scenes / sequences, a problem has started occurring where the LED on the scans do not light up until the mirror has come to a complete stop.

This is creating a problem because if I program a scene where the mirrors don't settle, the LED's on those scans do not light up for the whole show while in 'User' mode.. If I switch to 'Editor' mode where you can go through the sequence in steps all is well because this allows the mirrors to settle but you can see that the mirrors move to their final position before lighting up.

This problem occurs on the X-scans & the Chauvet scans so it doesn't appear to be hardware related, Hope I've explained it well enough.

I've been going through settings, changing this and that to see if I can find the source of the problem but with no luck.

One last thing I tried was swapping the scans over and changing the DMX addresses and the problem doesn't move with the units, it stays with the DMX address.

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help
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Oh ok. Well I found your culprit on the chauvet fixture.

If the values for the function highlighted in the picture above is on then that describes your issues to the "T". But did you say it was just the chauvet scanners doing this or both Chauvet and ADJ? I see no reason why the ADJ scanners would be doing this as they do not have that function programmed into their traits.
I'm sure the ADJ scans were doing it as well, but I could be mistaken, I'm about to fire them up now to check.

However thank you so much, I spent hours digging deeper into the depths of MyDmx trying to find the cure. Next time I think I should sit back, make a coffee and have a little think about it.

Much appreciated, Thanks again.

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