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Each moving head/yoke fixture must be done according to how the manual states it is done according to the DMX specs.

MOST use the method you state, but there is NO RULE how a maker implements DMX traits.

8 bit fixtures support X and Y. The 16-bit fixtures can support the fine X and Y as well. My Chauvet Q-Spots can be switched into an 8-bit mode, but I mean, really unless one needed the channels, why bother?
Within manufacturer's groups, same series lights typically have the same layout. For example, I can tell the channel layout basically on any Elation Design series fixture or any Mac series fixture. Same goes for Elation's LEDs. They all basically use the same layout, so much so that you can use the same fixture profile for a lot of them.

Now, from manufacturer to manufacturer, it goes all over the place. One thing that is fairly standard however is having 16 bit channels back to back. For example, pan and pan fine being channels 1 and 2 respectively. There are some that don't do this however.

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