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Hello all, I'm looking at some 20 inch mirror balls and I was wondering what is main difference between Chauvet and ADJ mirror balls. I noticed that the chauvet 20-inchers seem to have larger mirrors, about 1/2" by 1/2" each. I haven't seen ADJ 20-inchers, yet they seem to have smaller mirrors and clearer mirrors, in the few pictures I see of them. What do yall think? Any help for me would be much appreciated.
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Hi Hill and welcome to the forums.

Well, if the mirrors on the AMDJ model are smaller, then it means there are more and the AMDJ mirror ball will throw more beams of light. The Chauvet will throw less, larger beams of light. Would come down to preference if price is the same. My opinion, I would want more beams of light coming off that mirror ball to cover the room more. That's the effect after all.
Not only that, but the ADJ fixture I know for sure uses a hard plastic ball that is black. This will ensure the mirrors appear brighter and the mirror ball should last longer.

I don't go with anything larger han an 8" mirror ball since I'm a sound production company and I'd have to hang it from a low-hanging truss(less thatn 15 feet) so I need smaller sizes. My crew wrecked my ADJ ball and I bought another brand that uses a styrofoam core. It works but I hate it. None of my clients want mirror balls right now so I'm in no hurry to replace it but I may start considering that again.

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