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Sometimes I lose my MIDI triggering setup. Then on a good day I can input all 131 triggers in about 15min with the help of another band member just in time to start the show.

I would prefer not to lose the trigger setup, but I think an option would be to setup and save via a GUI other than MyDMX.

What file holds the MIDI Trigger Setup info and can the Trigger info be saved separate from the program/show file? Can the Trigger info be edited outside the MyDMX GUI?

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Hi. I wasn't sure of the cause of your issue so I sent your post to one of my engineers and this is what they said, "There should be no reason to lose the MIDI triggers, they are saved with everything else in the showfile. See if your customer can find a pattern to reproduce the bug, maybe they are lost when he moves his show? Or when he sets a certain property? Maybe when the program is opened with an older version of MyDMX and saved, the triggers are lost?

As always if regular backups are kept, re-proggramming 100 triggers shouldn't be necessary."

Can you confirm or test any of these?
I've tried to duplicate the loss of MIDI triggers and the only time it consistantly happens is when I hook up a new MIDI interface or connect the same MIDI interface to a different USB port. However, there have been times that I will lose the triggers with no reason that I can determine.

I had a pretty good run of many months with-out a loss of triggers. During that time I was sure to keep all hardware connected the same.

Also I would like to note that I run MyDMX on a netbook. The netbook screen is much too low in resolution to edit scenes, so I copy the current show-file and edit it on a different laptop. When I am done editing, I re-name the file with a later version, i.e. "Show v4.23". Then transfer the new show file back to the netbook and run it. For the past 6 months I've had no troubles with this and MIDI triggers have been saved and transferred with each new version of the show file without having to set them back up.

In November, I removed some fixtures and added new fixtures to the setup. I also made some major changes to the scenes. (editing was done on the laptop and file transferred back to the netbook) When I loaded the new file, the MIDI triggers were lost. There were a lot of transferring and changes done, but all was software based, the MIDI hardware remained the same. Unfortunately I do not know at what exact point I lost the MIDI triggers so I have no way of pinpointing the action that caused it.

I am on v5.x of my show. When I get a bit of down-time I will re-load v4.x and see if the triggers are still there. Also I will run some carefully controlled experiments to see at what point the MIDI triggers are lost. I will post that info when I have it.


p.s. I've been running the MARCH 2009 version of the software through all of this. I've never bothered to check for an upgrade since when I purchased the software, American DJ's position was that the software would not be developed any further and no fixes or upgrades would take place. Now I see that there is a JUNE 2011 version that I will download and upgrade on my down-time this month.
p.s. I've been running the MARCH 2009 version of the software through all of this. I've never bothered to check for an upgrade since when I purchased the software, American DJ's position was that the software would not be developed any further and no fixes or upgrades would take place. Now I see that there is a JUNE 2011 version that I will download and upgrade on my down-time this month.

We never said we would not release new versions with bug fixes. We simply stated that we would not further add more features or functions to the my dmx program other than what it has already. We are working on midi bugs as of right now but we do not have a solid release date for the next release.
Let us know how your testing goes. Thanks.

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