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Same result... It's not responding.... so back we're we started..

Is there any hope that the update that fixes the midi issue is out before christmas ? I have a big party at christmas eve, with over 109 fixtures, and don't want to start programming in mydmx, if i can't have midi control over it.
Then i might aswell bring my hardware controller instead.
I have a Allen & Heath 4D Midi Controller.
I use it with VirtualDJ on midi channel 8.

Tried it with/without runnig VDJ at the same time, but it's the same result.
Tested on all 16 midi channels.... same result

It's like MyDMX doesn't see the midicontroller at all, even when MyDMX is the only program that is running, and my midi controller is plugged in.

No midi note recived in MyDMX, but every channel works in Virtual DJ.

Tested midi send command on every button/fader/knop from my A&H 4d with this:

A tool to make midi definitions for VirtualDJ, for controllers that not are predefined by Atomix.

With this you can se every note (both on/off) from every button on any channel
First, and foremost(although you are addressing this SOMEWHAT):

A MIDI device can only be used by 1 application at a time. In the case of USB MIDI devices(such as a NOvation Launchpad, Korg nano-series), the device can only be used by 1 application at a time. You can't share it. That's the RULE. However, in the case of MIDI interfaces with multiple ports, SOME applications can use PART of the interface, leaving the rest open for something else. MyDMX doesn't really go with this.

Keep in mind that the MIDI implementation in MyDMX is very rudimentary. Ideally any device SHOULD work, but in the case of USB MIDI devices, that may not be true.

Have you also tried testing with MIDI-OX? It's free, it works, but I think that it's not worth your time because the controller is working. It could also be that the driver for the device requires a more active role from the host software, such as your VDJ software. It might require bi-direcitonal operation, which MyDMX cannot and does not support.
Yes, tried it with MIDI-OX aswell... controller works, and sends out midi signals... tried all the different buttons/fader & knops, tried on all 16 channels, still works....

Got nothing else running besides MyDMX.
The A&H 4D is not born to work with VDJ, but as general midi controller (like a keyboard) so that is not the issue.

IMO...when it says "MIDI triggering" in the main features, it should not matter if it's a 5-pin midicontroller or a USB.
It should accept any midi signal send to the software.... unless of cause, it is stated that it only works with 5-pin midi or a specific type of midicontroller, but thats not the case here.

So the midi issue cleary needs to be fixed soon, the software does not work a 100% before this problem is solved ....

Otherwise, I love the software, but specificly bought it beacuse of the "midi triggering" part, and that it didn't took a lot of my systems resources, but stil had all the functions..

I may have to try MyDMX with my Novation Launchpad, because, like with your XONE 4D, it is very "active". But the Launchpad is a much simpler device.

First, I can say that you're not choosing the best of hardware to use with MyDMX. I see you wanting to DJ with it, as well as trying to control myDMX with it at the same time, which, we've shown time and time again, MyDMX should really run on its own computer and your DJ stuff running on its own. Now, compare with CompuShow, I have no issues with Compu SHow running in the background and accepting MIDI triggering. Plus, MyDMX needs to always be foreground application for triggering to work anyways.

I need more information. The photos are the same.

I'll try to play with my Launchpad with MyDMX tonight and see what I can do. All I can reasonably expect to do with it is to trigger scenes, which for my test purposes, should be fine.

For your controller, it seems better suited for controller channels since you have tons of encoders.
I have no problem running VDJ & MyDMX at the same time from my laptop, while controlling VDJ with my A&H 4D.

The problem first comes when i want to control MyDMX with the A&H 4D. (all i need it to, is to change between different scenes and blackout, so i don't need to jump from vdj to mydmx and back each time i change the lightshow)

No matter how i do it : with/without VDJ running.
MyDMX will not accept the midi output from the A&H 4D, it doesn't matter wich of the 16 channels I use.

The screen dumps i took, ARE taken, one with mydmx, one with not any program runnig, but the outcome is stil the same !!

On my A&H4d i do have 5-pin midi in/out, but that wont help me out, because the mydmx module don't have a midi in, and it won't accept the midi that is send back to my laptop from the usb.

So i still think the problem is in the way the mydmx soft/hardware detecs the midi input.
Why does it not just look for any midi?, then if there is more than 1 midi source, it will let you choose wich one you want to use ???
This is coming down to one of those "just because you ARE doing it this way doesn't mean you SHOULD be doing it this way".

First, I don't care that you're running them both with no problem. You're causing part of your problem. If not now, then soon.

Second, you can't share your 4D with both programs at the same time. Period. Get over it. It's more of a true MIDI thing than a MyDMX thing. However, why it won't work with MyDMX is beyond me. You need to have the 4D connected first, then launch MyDMX. MyDMX cannnot recognize any USB(or firewire) MIDI unless it's connected before MyDMX is running.

Why not get something like a Korg nanopad for your fast launch purposes? 4 layers, plenty of buttons as a result. 48 I think.

PLUS, if you want MyDMX to respond to MIDI, it has to be the foreground application, but with VDJ currently using the 4D hardware, it's not going to be available to MyDMX anyways, so the whole point is moot.

So, long story short: wrong tool for the job the way you want to do it. Why it MyDMX does not see the 4D, I am unclear. Anyone want to send me one to test with?

I won't argue there are things MyDMX could do regarding MIDI. The ability to select MIDI devices would be great. However, EVEN SO, you can't share the same device between two software packages.

In the case of a multi-bank USB MIDI device(such as a MIDISPORT 2X2), you can share the two MIDI banks: The A can go to one software package, and the B can go to another. BUT, how MyDMX uses it, it would take over the whole device, which it will do.

Then you have the issue of more than 1 active USB MIDI device, or firewire MIDI device, it's a crap-shoot knowing which one MyDMX will choose, because it lacks an inteface to choose a MIDI device.

Split it up to two machines. Use your better one for VDJ of course. Use a low end one for MyDMX.
You need to have the 4D connected first, then launch MyDMX. MyDMX cannnot recognize any USB(or firewire) MIDI unless it's connected before MyDMX is running.

Tried that also, didn't work, mydmx still can't see the midi interface.

if you want MyDMX to respond to MIDI, it has to be the foreground application

Tried it witout running VDj, didn't work, mydmx still can't see the midi interface.

In the case of a multi-bank USB MIDI device(such as a MIDISPORT 2X2), you can share the two MIDI banks: The A can go to one software package, and the B can go to another. BUT, how MyDMX uses it, it would take over the whole device, which it will do.

The 4D sends midi signals in 2 different channels (example: channel 3 & 4) I've mapped channel 3 to VDJ and have not mapped anything on channel 4 (want to use it with mydmx)

you shift between the two channels, by holding a button down, then all the knops/buttons & faders work in 2nd midi channel, so if I'm using vdj, and shift to 2nd midi channel, all the buttons won't work in vdj, because it's a different channel...

Even when i start the controller in 2nd midi mode, mydmx won't find it.
If i plug in my midi keyboard to the laptop, the 4D has no problem sending/receiving midi signals no matter what midi mode it's in...

So let's get one thing clear... it has nothing to do with the controller, laptop, keyboard or VDJ.

It's MyDMX that is the problem here, and I don't know either why it can't se the midi signal, but like posted before :

when it says "MIDI triggering" in the main features, it should work no matter if it's a 5-pin midicontroller or a USB.
It should accept any midi signal send to the software.... unless of cause, it is stated that it only works with 5-pin midi or a specific type of midicontroller, but that's not the case here.

So the midi issue cleary needs to be fixed soon, the software does not work 100% before this problem is solved ....
You're confusing channels with interfaces.

MyDMX doesn't care what MIDI channel you're using, so that logic is gone. It does save learned events with channel information though.

But, you can't share a MIDI device between software packages. Period. I mean, if I have Sonar say "look here for MIDI input", then nothing else can use that device in the meantime. That's one of those rules that go with MIDI these days. You can't use a device with more than one program. in the case of multi-bank interfaces(NOT multi-channel), some devices(many) allow you to treat it as multiple independent IO's, hence allowing the device to be treated as more than one actual device.

So, while there may be MyDMX issues, you still have things to learn and understand as well. Once a device is snagged by a MIDI application(hopefully through user-drive choice), that's it, it's there ONLY. If VDJ grabbs the 4D, then VDJ OWNS the 4D and ONLY VDJ owns the 4D. Channels are irrelevant in this conversation.

MyDMX has shown issues with some MIDI hardware in the past. That's all I can say. It could by the 4D is one of them. Some hardware requires more hooks and prepping in the usage of MIDI with the driver for it to work. The very basic implementation of MIDI in MyDMX may not be sufficient to handle this.

So, now MyDMX can go fix their MIDI issue, but it won't resolve anything for you because you won't be able to share the device between multiple applications. Plus, you have to keep switching back and forth between applications do do different things properly, so again, how are we addressing the issue here?

So, we're back to what I said earlier about getting another controller that does for sure work.

Again, you're choosing to do things in a manner inconsistent with a method that ensures reliable and stable results. I cannot and will not support how you are choosing to do things. Then again, I don't DJ, I just do sound and lighting for concerts and work with touring acts a lot, so what do I know, right? I've only been doing this professionally for 30 years.

So, let's fix the MIDI issue, then you can have a new set of problems that you've already been informed about. Sound like a deal?
If/When the midi in mydmx is working 100%, and can find the 4D, I don't have a problem.

So sure, if that's how you would like it, then yeah then we have a deal...

For me it's not about running VDJ at the same time, but that Mydmx don't see the midi interface !!
and if the product states that its "midi triggered" then one would think that it atleast would find the interface, and interact with it...

It's not ADJ's problem if i can't run VDJ or any other midi controlled software together with MyDMX, but it is ADJ problem that MyDMX don't work as stated !!!
What do you need ??

a screendump of some button i press ?
some kind of txt file ?

anything that would help, I'll be glad to give you (except my controller... lol)

The screendumps from midi-ox are when I press a button, and release it again.

Chan = midi channel
Data2 = midi note send
Status = pressed/released
what, you wouldn't let us borrow it to help de bug it? haha Big Grin Kidding.

I think your description at the bottom of your last post helped. I'll send that along. You'll have to forgive me I am most definitely NOT a MIDI expert. That's why I have Chris on the forums. He knows wayyyyyy more about midi than I do. MIDI is something I "Had" to learn with this program. Smiler But DJPP, you have my personal promise we will do all we can to see if we can get this working for you in my dmx. We really do appreciate your support and patience with us while we try to sort this out. Seriously.

He wants to share 1 bit of hardware at the same time with 2 software packagages, which will just lead to further complaints.

So, even if you can get MyDMX to work with the 4D, you still have the underlying/overlying problem that he's trying to use two packages on one MIDI controller, which won't be allowed no matter how you slice it. That is NOT a MyDMX problem, it is an issue with the OS and MIDI and how the software works. The only way to resolve this is to do MIDI routing via software and then hard loop this through an external MIDI interface, which as has been shown in other testing, is a recipe for potential disaster. The option to route signal out the build in MIDI is an option, but would require a second MIDI interface to provide a proper interface for MyDMX to latch onto.

To fix this, you're going to need the controller to see how it behaves. MyDMX also does need to have an option for selecting MIDI input device. The main issue is that if an option for selecting a MIDI device or source, that should in and of itself resolve most issues entirely. But, we have to consider that MIDI, especially with USB, has become much more flexible and adaptable than the original spec. As a result, we have very interactive devices that went from relatively simple controllers such as keyboard and synths type stuff, to very sophisticated stuff like the 4D and Launchpad, that utilize bi-directional communication. Well, more full duplex, but via separate ports. MIDI only goes in one direction on a MIDI cable.

Couple that with a user who is going to have to switch between foreground applications. MyDMX doesn't like that very much. This needs to address the other issue that MyDMX requires itself to be the foreground application to react to MIDI, which is where the problem lies in the first place.
@ Chris

You don't seems to get this....

Aslong as you get the midi working in the MyDMX with the Allen & Heath 4D, then it's not your problem any longer, that it won't work when running vdj at the same time....That's my problem.

But right now the problem is that ADJ's MyDMX won't accept the midi interface.
So if the midi was fixed in Mydmx, you won't hear any more of my problems with the midicontroller, because then it works with my hardware.

Basicly this should be a programming issue, because all you need is an option in MyDMX to choose from a list of midi interfaces, connected to your PC. And the have it to monitor the midi notes that is send from that device, so when you choose "learn midicommand" and press a button on the controller, it catches that note.

In the case of mutltiple channels, it would be lovely if it could distinguish between the different channels, wich would give you a more flexible device, but if that is possible, I don't know, but it works in other software, like Traktor, VDJ and so on.

As long as it would work with the midicontroller, I would be happy with that, because right now there is no midi function in MyDMX in my case.

If it is any help, the manual for the 4D is here Allen & Heath 4D Manual

And all about the midi buttons and notes is on page 39-42

I connect it via usb to my pc, and the only thing besides that connected, is MyDMX module.

If you need VDJ to see how it works with that : Virtual DJ Home Edition
I believe that midi control i supported for 10 min. each time you start, if thats not the case, you need pro vers. wich cost $
I understand what the issue is. I do know that not all midi controllers are best suited for use with my dmx. but we will do our best to see if this midi controller can be used with my dmx or not. Purely as the sole program using the 4D and not being shared with any other program. Looking at the manual for the 4D it really doesn't seem like the best option for lighitng triggering for a midi device in my opinion but to each their own. DjPP If we can't get it to work, would you be able to simply purchase a "smaller" midi controller like a korg nano or something?


Oh, I beyond get this.

Ultimately, what you want can't be done. I've explained that quite thoroughly. It's not going to work for you or anyone else based on how it's connected UNLESS you can route output through the 5-pin DIN interface and then bring it back in via a second USB MIDI interface, and even so, you've got to have MyDMX brought to the foreground for it to respond, which defeats the convenience of what you're trying to accomplish in the first place.

Regarding MyDMX and the 4D by itself, we've seen cases were certain devices(mostly USB attached MIDI) have issues with MyDMX.

The issue, again, comes back to HOW devices and software work together. I thought I was clear on this, but apparently not. Only one software package can grab a USB MIDI device, or at least a bank of ports at a time. Channels are irrelevant to the discussion. It will OWN all the channels on that interface/bank, period. It's beyond an OS issue. If you want to have channel stuff working like what you expect, then you need to have a MIDI router and/or filter installed.

Bottom line is you're trying to do this the wrong way. In the end, you need to split this up into 2 machines. Low end for MyDMX, high end for VDJ. Heck, you can run MyDMX on a Netbook. I wouldn't but you can do it on a sub-$400 laptop. I've had MyDMX freak out on me when I'm swapping back and forth between that and Windows Media Player. I'm trying to increase capability, increase reliability and put you in a position where it works better for you. Granted, you need a bit more space for a second laptop and maybe a small controller, but with this split of gear, you get what you want the way you want with the reliability I demand and require. Win-Win.
Ok DJPP. It seems according to the midiox screen shots you sent the 4D is sending Note Messages. This is wrong, My dmx will not read Note Messages. My dmx will read CC values though. And you should be able to change what is being sent on your controller somehow to match what my dmx needs in order to pick up a midi command from your 4D. So there that is settled now. So let us know if you figure out how to change the output from notes to CC values and let us know if it works.

I've tried different thing, but still ends up with the fact that it can see the midi device.
I have a friend that has the nanopad, and tested it, but need more buttons, or need it to see my A&H4D.

So I've returned the MyDMX to the store, and got the Sunlite Suite 2-First Class.

Took it out of the box, installed it, and no problem there...worked at first try.

Too bad that the MyDMX module/software isn't that userfriendly in the midi section/option.

But I guess you can't get it all for that kind of money...
Um, James?

I've been running MyDMX for a couple of years now... triggering it with note messages... 127 of them to be exact... plus CC messages also... perhaps it is misunderstood what you mean by "note messages?"

also from what I read MyDMX differentiates between MIDI channels? cool.... now I can add another (almost) 127 note messages.


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