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hi guys

this is basicly a ableton controller, but since it has a shitload of buttons and isn't too expensive, i was wondering if this would be adaptable for mydmx ...

just wondering ... Smiler

does anyone else have some suggestions for midi controllers with more than 16 buttons ?

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Theoretically yes, it should work. I know that device is rather "soft" so, if you were to assign MIDI note commands to all the buttons, you should have a winner there. The only drawback is that this would be more oriented for scene triggering rather than input control via CC data(or at least reliable CC data methods), but other than that, I don't see any real problems.

Do you only need to trigger 16 scenes? The Korg nanoPAD has I think 8 in 4 banks. The Korg nanoKEY has 25 keys that can be octave shifted to cover I think all 127 notes of MIDI(not the best method when you're deep in the crap!). The Korg nanoKONTROL hs 18 buttons(2/channel strip) X 4 banks, but you'll need to program the buttons to ensure you have them doing what you need them to do.

I don't have time to read the manual for this unit as I'm between various tasks right now. This is definately something you need to read the manual for.

Remember: Triggering of scenes MUST be done via note ON instructions. If the pads can be programmed to send NOTE ON instructions without the need for a third-party package to remain resident/running(such as Ableton Live for example), then you should be fine. I don't think the cool glowing pads would work for that environment(which is too bad, because that would look really cool during performance).

So, read the manual and talk to some sales droids. ALSO, if you can, bring in your MyDMX and be prepared to hook the controller up and try it out in store if they have an open box item. Then again, this device seems heavily tied into Ableton Live so there is the very real possibility that this unit REQUIRES Ableton Live.

Hope for the best, expect the worst, I say for this one.
hi chris,

thanks for the reply.

basicly, i will only use this for scene triggering. i have, like mentioned before, a cocktailbar in belgium, and need scenes for quiter purposes, and scenes for the weekends with djs present and when things need to be a bit more complicated and have more "show-effect".

programming the scenes is something i do when closed and stuff, so no need for a midi controller there, i'll do that the oldskool mouse/keyboard way Wink

anyway, just read on the novation website:
• Old-school MIDI control
Utilising Automap, Launchpad can operate as a standard MIDI controller, creating custom MIDI maps with 72 of its buttons transmitting either CC or MIDI note data.

so basicly, this should work Smiler because i have a shitload of scenes, i'm looking for the controller with as many as possible 'easy-to-use' buttons, because i get lot's of guest-DJs and don't have the time to instruct them all in complicated controllers Smiler 64 buttons should be enough Smiler

I deal with 140-hours a week workload on average, so please forgive me if I don't recall that you're a cocktail bar in Belgium. I'm working on not only MyDMX, but video editing, and lots of basic maintenance for my live sound production company(that includes lights). Testing mics, testing cables, trying to arrange the time and help to set up a 400 pound desk, along with IT work, it's 20 hour days, 7 days a week right now.

If you're being given 64 buttons capable of being note on, that's awesome. I might considering one of these. If it works in banks, I might really considering one of these.... I also intend to start incorporating some functions of Ableton Live into certain events, so I see lots of uses for this. And you're right, based on retail price, it's super affordable.

I would say all you need to do is organize the scenes into what you think is logical, then label a grid-sheet with those notes and people can find stuff nice and easy. Or use label tape or something. I recommend NOT using a Sharpie right on the pads as I hate making permanent marks on gear.

Sounds like you have a winner if it works without Ableton live. It sounds like it can.

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