Man, that would be great but I haven't seen anything that would do that. I've done quite a bit of research to get my midi light set-up running. Almost all the controllers/boards I've seen that have a midi out only use the midi out for scene/program backup via midi sy*** messages. The Show Designer is a good example of that. Most controller/board midi implimentations are VERY simplistic. They simply respond to midi note on/note off to call scenes/shows. Rarely, you will see velocity used as an intensity control. As most these controllers/boards only "understand" simple midi inputs, I doubt many, if any, will output enough info to be of use to your LJ. They certainly don't output any midi message that contains fader position, channel #, etc.
If you find something let me know!!! I'd love to see it. My guess is it would be made by the same company as the controller/software you are using because they would have to come up with their own midi protocol between the two machines. There is no midi lighting protocol standard. Even within ADJ the protocol differs.