To The Authors Of MyDMX:
With more and more multipoint light fixtures appearing on the market, when will MyDMX be updated to support these fixtures in the 3D Visualizer? Multipoint lighting such as the ADJ MegaBar & PixelBar are becoming common items in a DJ's amoury of lighting and support for true reproduction in the 3D environment is vital so that we can have a truer representation of their effect on the stage. Please hurry up & implement their effects into the software.
Anyway, until this happens, a workaround is needed. I have devised my own method which, whilst not perfect, at least allows for a better result than just a 'GlowStick' approach.
I use my MegaBars in 11 channel mode so I create 2x3channel lights with Megabar dimensions (divided by 3 for length) and 1x5 channel light which adds the strobe and dimmer channels. Within the visualizer I then mount these end to end to give the bar length. Each section has RGB values and will then produce beams we can see. You just drag them into the DMX Channel grid next to each other to give you a total of 11 channels per fixture.
It takes a little practice at first but will at least give you an image you can work with in the visualiser
Come on ADJ, get the authors to update the software to current day requirements. I don;t want to find that I have purchased software which has been shelved for development the day after I purchased it.
I know this product is selling in large volumes, so please get the development team on this to avoid ending up with a large user base of miffed customers.
Wicked Sounz Entertainments.
Edinburgh, Scotland.
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