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Sure, close your eyes and click your heels three times and say there's nothing cooler than RC control, there's nothing cooler than RC control. HAHA. I'm kidding of course.

We will just have to wait and see. I'm not being vague I honestly don't know. and Chris wouldn't know as he is a "volunteer" forum admin. Chris does not work for ADJ. He just loves our products Big Grin

Also if we were to have a cool new product coming out, we really wouldn't tell anybody even on the forums before it launches. The lasers were different as they were very close to launch and still some of the details have not been fully worked out yet.

first i was into the Mega Bar 50's
then i started eyeing the Profile Panels
then i see the Mega Panels (like Profiles but WAY brighter)

and now...

the Fusion Tri FX

i know it's a different light,
same price as Mega Panel,

but this may be cooler on my light stand on the 2 sidearms INSTEAD of the Mega Bar or Mega Panel

seems with this one i can point/turn onto stage, onto crowd, and it will give the Par Can effect, and 2FX in one

and i'm not looking to do wall wash

James, have you seen or meesed with this one.
maybe more bang for the buck?
just looking for 2 more lights for sidearms... hmmm...

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