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Welcome to the Marchn 2010 Profile Request thread. Please keep on-topic.

A few reminder rules:

1: When making a request, please state the make and model of the fixture.

2: Please post a link to the manual or a photo of the DMX traits or post the DMX traits. Please, English versions prefered.

3: If posting traits, please be as complete as possible.

4: Please be patient. It's best to make sure you're not under a deadline, like "I need it in 2 hours" for example. Please allow a bit of time. A couple of days is reasonable.

5: Please check the updated scan library link on the my dmx product page for your fixtures before requesting profiles. The link can be found at the bottom of every one of jingles post.

Thanks and have fun.
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jonies i haven't forgotten about you, Just been way busy. I will be making your profiles sometime today. I apologize for the delay. and to make it up to you send me in a email your address if your in the US and i will have a ADJ or AA polo shirt shipped to you in your size free of charge. Let me know.

Chris, when you close a topic can you please also unfeature it? Thanks.
Hey guys,

i appreciate any help on this. i'd try to make profile(s) for these lights myself, but i am:
1) waaayyyyy too busy with work & school
2) still a bit of a noob with this program
3) not exactly a computer genius..

that said, id like to know of a profile for an HTL LED Color Picker (

the pdf manual can also be found on that page. i realize its simple, but again, see reasons 1 & 2 (lol)
if you could tell me where to find it, or make one if need be, id be in your debt enormously! thanks again.
oh my email is if you could please send it to me (if im not asking too much as it is)

thanks again for all your help, and a great product!
Hey Guys,

Stage Ape Lighting has an LED color strip and ADJ myDMX does not have a profile for it yet. No rush, just letting ya know. Thnk.

Instructions for DMX MODE:

To run the LED bar in DMX mode set dip switches #1 and #10 to the on position.
Slider #1 controls the functions.
0-40 = On
41-80 = Strobe
81-120 = Color change
121-160 = Gradual color change
161-200 = Color shuffle
201-255 = Sound control

Slider #2 controls the speed of all the functions 0-255 slow to fast.

Slider #3 controls the red LED's when all other sliders are at the 0 (zero/down) position.
Slider #3 has different function while slider #1 is in different modes.

When slider #1 is in strobe mode, slider #3 has these functions:
0-34 makes the LED bar strobe red
34-70 makes the LED bar strobe green
71-105 makes the LED bar strobe blue
106-140 makes the LED bar strobe yellow
141-175 makes the LED bar strobe magenta
176-209 makes the LED bar strobe cyan
210-239 makes the LED bar strobe white (all LED's on)
240-255 makes the LED bar scroll though all colors in strobe mode

When slider #1 is in Shuffle mode, Slider #3 has these functions:
Slider #3- shuffle mode #1 shuffles bank of color down the bar one way and then repeats at set color.
0-20 makes the LED bar shuffle in red
21-40 makes the LED bar shuffle in green
41-60 makes the LED bar shuffle in blue
61-80 makes the LED bar shuffle in yellow
81-100 makes the LED bar shuffle in magenta
101-120 makes the LED bar shuffle in cyan
121-140 makes the LED bar shuffle in white (all LED's on)
141-180 alternates colors in mode #1 shuffle.
181-220 mode #2 shuffle. A bank of color shuffles down the bar and stays at the end, then when the bar is full proceeds out.
221-255 mode #3 shuffle. One color shuffles down the bar filling the bar with color and then starts again with another color.

When slider #1 is in Sound Active mode, slider #3 has these functions:
0-50 all LED's react to sound.
51-100 the color change function comes on to the beat of the music.
101-150 the gradual change function comes on to the beat of the music.
151-200 the shuffle mode comes on to the beat of the music.
201-255 the LED's come on and change color to the beat of the music.

Slider #4 controls the green LED's when all other sliders are at the 0 (zero/down) position.

Slider #5 controls the blue LED's when all other sliders are at the 0 (zero/down) position.
OK great, thanks. Wanted to let you know that I found 2 issues with the profile. On the color channel, the predefined colors for Blue and Green are swapped. Pink and UvPass are also swapped when viewing the actual fixture output. I thought I could fix it in the ScanLibrary editior, but I couldn't figure it out.
Thanks for the reply. My unit matches the diagram exactly. I didn't explain the issue good enough. The issue is when you right-click on the color channel strip (Ch. 5, the preset color choices are in this order (white, red, GREEN, BLUE, yellow, magenta, orange, PINK, UvPASS, rloop, offloop, and lloop). The 4 colors in all CAPS are not in the correct orders. So if you select one of the preset colors (i.e GREEN), the fixture outputs BLUE.

It's no big deal, but when you're looking at the fixture stip in myDMX, you might think the fixture is outputting GREEN, when in reallity it's outtputting BLUE.

Hope this make more sense. Thanks again for being so responsive.
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