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magic is not regestering lights, or lights aren't regestering magic

4 led panels
4 accuspot 300
4 quad gems

NONE of the lights were being contro;;ed by the magic. the only lights that were on were the gems ( although the dmx had nothing to do with it), I know this because the situation did not change when magic was on or off.

what i did: Iturned off magic for atleast 30 secs. and nothing, i changed dmx controller and nothing, i made sure that all lights were on dmx (they were) and nothing.
next, I changed pannels to sound and behold... they came on along with the spots. but now the gems wers not working, hmmmmm. went up and changed the gems to sound and nothing, so I reset the entire lights and now the pannels are ALL ON (bright!!!), GEMS CAME ON ANS SPOTS WERE KINDA ON (MOVEMENT BUT LIGHT EVERY ONW AND THEN)put pannels on master/slave, dmx, and sound... achieved nothing. the pannels are still bright, and spots did whatever.

at this point, it not the magic, because I used another controller and had the magic off all night. ( and i also checked the cables)

anyone have any ideas?
Where to begin:

Are you using DMX cabling? DMX terminator? Both or neither?

What else is on that circuit? The Accu Spot 300's are 250-watt discharge fixtures, so they probably draw, for the quad, over 1000 watts, but your LED's are low draw, so you should be fine.

When you powered off the Magic 260, does this involve REMOVING power from the unit? Sorry, I don't own one, I'm not familiar with it.

What order are things hooked up?

Did you check the voltage on that outlet? Have you been there before(I still check some places from time to time, once had 94 volts on an outlet, refused to use it).

Sounds like bad power and bad cabling.
Voltage: 250 watts? Are you sure? That doesn't make sense.

Left out if you're using a DMX terminator. I also failed to ask total length. We know you're using a Magic 260. Any matching addresses(shouldn't be an issue, it's pointing to power I think)

Taking the stuff home, did it work OK there afterwards? When I have show problems, I try to get it back home and fire it up and try to replicate the problem. Sadly, it rarely happens, which is so annoying.

Get well soon and I hope your fingers heal nicely.

I'm still not quite over that crap I came down with in February, but at least I'm feeling like 99.9%, so I'm working by buttocks off again.
Did you get your Magic 260 working?

I suggest that you double check the DMX patch settings in Magic. I have found that turning off the autopatching feature doesn't always work [or maybe I thought I was turning it off and wasn't].

Hit MENU until you see "Choose Fixtures" and then turn knob 1 until you see "Patch Fixtures." See if the DMX addresses for you fitures are still what you set them to.

If they are not [this has happenned to me], I strongly recommend that you let the Magic do its Autopatching and adjust the addresses on your light to what the Magic selects for them. This is because I've never found the way -if there is on- to permanently turn off Autopatching in the Magic.


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