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Hello everyone! Noob here. :blush:

I'm a lighting designer at a small club in NJ. (Mexicali Live) We currently have 4 ADJ Accu Spot 250's, and 4 Accu Scan 150's. Plus an assortment of cans and what not.

I'm running the elation Magic 260 console with the moving head lights, and do all the programming myself, i'm pretty much self taught, have done some fun things at the club, but am looking to step up my game here. I see videos and programs from other venues with some cool effects/chases and I feel like i'm overlooking easier ways to go about programming. (not to mention positioning of each fixture, par cans included. Always feel i'm doing it the hard way) We've had some issues with the fixtures which is a topic for another thread, lol, but it has prevented me from getting serious programming done. (stubborn fixtures, etc)

I'd love some advice on the easiest way to program scenes and shows. What are some good tricks for setting up shows/chases? Do you just set a ton of scenes then saving them all into one show? how do you get the alternate moving, slow panning effects? I just always feel like, 'there has got to be an easier way'. haha.

Thanks in advance for ANY info/advice!

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