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i want a sound activated light that kind of looks like the picture i drew (i know its ****ty).

anyway, the lights would go up and down with the level of the music.

anyone know where i can get one of these? i've been searching, but its hard to search for something when you don't know what it would be called.

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the closest thing i can think of would be what amp said. but a simple chase would not do what you are looking for. another thing that would probably be close to that effect is some type of visualation on a computer and then projected onto a screen, but i don't know if you can get ecactly what your looking for
DJ Borris
I actually have an old chase controller that did an effect called "Color Organ" This made the parcans do something similiar, as the beat hit it would light up the first parcan then the second third and so on. The harder the beat, the more pars and the brighter they lit up......

Well anyway, maybe you can build your own, and use this to wire your own controller.
Note: I am not condoning rewiring of any electronics without the proper training. Taking apart and rewiring this unit would void the warranty.
I've never heard of any product doing this, but if you're adept enough with a soldering iron, and have a spare computer (an old pentium 2 will do fine), you could build a parallel-to-120v interface (12 triacs, 12 opto couplers) and just have the computer control them.

(I'll help you out with the software free of charge - I do dsp audio engineering for a living, so I have the modules ready to be put together.)

The parallel port could do 12 channels (so that's 12 mono lights or 2x6 lights for stereo).

The controller could look something like THIS:

Mine's working right now (although I'm controlling effects with it in a different manner.)


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