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Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I�m no DJ, but I think I have a handle on the basic lighting terminology. Sorry if some of this isn�t relevant, but I�m not sure what is and what isn�t so I included everything

For a little background�..I live in a frat house, we�ve had the same lighting since before anyone can remember and the last piece finally ****ped out. I�m looking into options for new lights. My budget is between $500 - $ 750, and if possible I�d like to reuse the following pieces of equipment that still work (most of the broken stuff has been discontinued and rightly so)

Existing Equipment (all American DJ)
1 SC-8FC, 8 channel switch center
1 CC-2016 chase controller
1 Red Lazer (Model?)
1 Vertigo effect light (doesn�t rotate anymore, maybe able to be fixed?)

The dance floor is approx. 25� x 25� and the room gets pretty dark. Music is typically hip-hop, sometimes rock.

I�m looking to permanently (semi-permanently? they will be moved only 1 or 2 times a year) mount the lights on a horizontal section of 2� steel pipe about 10-12 feet off the ground

Other than that, I�m not really sure about what I should be looking for (i.e. how many, what type). We don�t need anything too fancy just functional. Basically, I�m trying to get the most bang for the buck. Any suggests would be awesome.

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I'd get a few lights that offered some variety

for example:
- verti-pro
- some moon flowers
- line dancer
- sun ray

most should react to the music, but they don't all have to.

hook them up in pairs to the ADJ "light saver" that will switch between the pair every 5-15 minutes (based on how you set the dial).

Set the light pair's to switch at slightly different rates (one at 5 minutes, the other pair at 7 minutes, the third at 9). Then turn them on and start the party!

As they will be cycling on and off, you can leave them all running all night, the slightly different change rates will mix up the combinations so you get more variety.

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