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the club I run is in need of new lights (4 mighty scans - 1 in each corner - and a multi-saucer.. pretty boring IMO) The owner doesn't want to drop too much money, so I'm limited. What I was thinking is add 6 more mightyscans (he likes what the do even if there is something better), mount 5 on 1 wall and 5 on the opposite wall (or something else????).

Then I wanted to add a dedicated strobe/fog show (might scans aren't good for that IMO) I was in Padre and the club had 2 strobes on the ceiling that caused the whole floor to be 1 giant strobe when turned on (what are some good ones for that effect)?

dimensions are 50 wide, 70 long and 16 foot ceilings. I know its long, but that for the time and effort. And any suggestion would be great
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well, you got a tricky situation. it sounds like you're trying to keep it all intelligent, so search around for some Intelligent Strobes. AMDJ has a DMX strobe out there somewhere. You could search out some intelligent effects, like the Tempest or sumthing of that nature. A good haze machine would maximize your layout, so I would start with that. Afterwards, you could try putting some moving heads or scannerz in the middle of your floor. Take a scanner so that it's pan is the lengthwise of your room, then adjust it to fit your tilt. Provides a great affect w/out the moving head $$$. hope this helps!
Number 1, get a fogger or hazer as to make the best of your lighting!

I would look at the Elation Vison 250s. They are more of the professional line scanner, with that MSD250 lamp. They put out much more light than the mightys and have some extra features. With the added light the strobing would be fairly bright also. (not nearly a "white out")

Do you want a strobe show to be somthing like single "white out" flashes, or somthing that will cover inch to inch of the room? If so i can recommend some strobes to you. If you just want a minor fashes, should be pretty cheap.

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