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I have constructed the stage and want to rig truss out front - I am using ADJ LED 64's static mounted - have positioned fixtures as if they were on stage with vertical beam - since stage is temporary and I am rigging a truss in front of tage - how can I tell myDMX to tilt the fixtures so to aim them at points on the stage

(this may be a repeat of message sent a few minutes ago - didn't show up on the forum list - thought I may have done something wrong and am reposting - pls pardon newbie error)
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That would be for the dX dY dZ boxes in the construction mode for moving a 3D object. Just go to the fixture tab on the right side of the contruction mode 3D viewer and then select one or several of your fixtures and then use the dX, dY, and dZ to rotate the fixture on that specific axis.
Make sense?
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