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I want to purchase 2, possibly 4 of the LED 36 Par Pinspots. I am also looking at the LED 4C to control them. My question is, can all 2 or 4 lights change colors at the same time with the controller? Can I achieve this without the controller using just two lights? I want to uplight my speakers, I use the BOSE towers, and I would like to have them be at the same color all the time, but I would like the colors to change gradually.
If I do get 4, I would mount two on top of my towers and project them either on the dance floor or on me, depending if the dance floor is close or not.
If this topic has already been covered, can someone point me to the post?
Thank you in advance for your replies.
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Best to not let people see those BOSE speakers. They sound like ass(on a good day). I mean, unless you like high levels of total harmonic distortion and speakers looking to excite room modes rather than trying to sound anything that sounds anything close to acceptable or even passable or even tolerable.

Sorry, not a fan of BOSE. That stands for "Bring Other Sound Equipment".

I know, don't slam other brands. It's OK. BOSE does a just find job shooting themselves in the foot, they don't need additional help, just a more efficient machine gun.
Hey Chris, I have been a DJ for the past 20 years, and never have I had better sounding equipment than my Bose system, which I have had since 2004. I don't plan on buying any other speakers unless mine die. I understand you are not a fan, but those who aren't usually cannot afford them. By the way, you added nothing valuable to the post. It was about lights and not your stupid remarks about someone else's equipment.

So I know I didn't respond right away, but I have 4 of them and I use them on sound. I want them to change colors at the same time without a controller. Is there a slave/master function?
The only shot to fire at BOSE is a RPG(rocket propelled grenade).

Let's look at specs:

Cheap parts, cheap construction and THD exceeding 25% and extremely overpriced. Instead of looking for GOOD sound, the gear is trying to find and excite room nodes, which is why their subs only have two frequencies, a harmonic and a fundamental. I mean, you can get phasing issues WITHIN a SINGLE cabinet and a single driver as they bounce sound off a surface without a waveguide, hence you get direct and indirect radiation arriving at the same time and causing comb filtering. I mean, what sort of stupidity is that? Or, "let's do an array" and time all the drivers for slightly different delays and frequency spans that overlap, so this big mush of crap smacks your face all at once and the intelligibility is removed. Wow, BRILLIANT!!!

Those new BOSE commercials where they say "it's like nothing else I've ever heard before"

Let me dive into that: That's true. It's like nothing else I've ever heard before, because I've never heard something so crappy before in my life.

"It's like hearing music again for the first time". Right, as if it done via a bullhorn and a blender. CACA!!!

Needless to say, BOSE didn't appreciate my honesty towards their products. I went into it with an open mind, but my ears reminded me real fast to get those the hell out.

Opinionated: You bet. We don't have time for crappy sound, but consumers tend to be idiots.

Now, to attack SerraAva's preferences.
JBL, never heard the "Junk But Loud", but I can agree with that in their consumer lines, but as far as the "But Loud" part. It's almost like they put too much effort into their profesional lines but didn't really fine tune their consumer models. I agree that you've got to knock down some of the brash out of the high end with them more than many other brands.I don't like JBL club/MI gear, but I do like their high end stuff, like the Vertec gear. I do like some of their studio monitors as well. The Eons have a really good design for cooling by using the speaker's movement itself to help cool it, but it just doesn't sound good enough for my requirements.

Let's attack SerraAva's rig:
Nope. Can't. I was gonna buy a 4-hang per side rig but due to logistics, a line arrange wasn't a good option. This also knocked out a few other vendors. McCauley is well respected but right now, with L'Acoustics and Vertec being the main line arrays of choice among tours, it limits choices.

There are TONS of good solutions, but there are just as many BAD solutions, and there are some flat out WRONG solutions.

So excuse the living hell out of me for slamming your rig, but it ain't gonna cut it. It's just nice to see yet another DJ doesn't respect quality or their audience.

Nice to see it took 6 months to formulate a comeback. Did you have help?

(Yeah, I'm not acting very admin like, but I also don't back down either!)

What do I use for my nearfields? KRK Systems and some old EV 100's with Rickenbacker amplification.
My home theater? Infinity and Altec Lansing and Yamaha receivers.

One last thing:
Thank goodness they were "New Found Glory" because if someone mis-did the sign as FNG, it would have been a WHOLE new slew of problems!!

FNG: F*ing New Guy. New crew people, often not up to speed with the rest of the crew.
That's a whole lot of modifying, so I am just going to delete it because the message is lost otherwise.

Chris, consumer line? Lol, I know better then that. Altec and JBL are one in the same, both owned by Harman Pro now. I will agree that Line Arrays aren't for everyone/every situation. Don't care for the JBL array stuff however, have to hack the graph big time to tone down those horns. Just look at the processors behind those rigs and zero them out. Make sure you have some ear plugs in. Everyone has an array: EV, EAW, QSC, JBL, SLS, McCauley, Adamson, Meyer. Those are the big boys and they all bring something different to the table. Not really one end all, be all solution. Of those, I have used/heard Adamson, EV, EAW, JBL, SLS, and McCauley.

(That a little better Jim, no bashing and/or naming of direct products.)
Competitor products.

Sorry, but the "Bring Other Sound Equipment" company has no competition except maybe cats in heat while being thrown into a chipper.

I was involved in a test with their products since I pissed off someone who was a BOSE rep. Let's put it this way, he doesn't rep for them anymore because he was able to see the light and hear what true audio should sound like. When you sit down in a treated room and then bring out high-end measuring equipment and really do a fair shoot-out, BOSE sat in a class all of its own: the trash heap. When you also have to have a BOSE engineer in the room to make their stuff work and he's having issues and is complaining about his OWN product, what does that say?

If you throw up 20 sets of speakers ranging from nearfields, mid-fields, mains, MI gear and high-end main-PA type gear and only the ONE brand has this particular issue, trust me, it is that ONE BRAND that has the issue. "Oh, see, you overlooked that....". Uh, no I didn't. Let's look at the waveform: hmm, it's coherent. Let's re-record that wave-form after passing through your speaker, and we'll see a massive diffence. Let's do the same through these Genelecs.... OK, different but not a far stretch.

I don't have issue with proprietary technologies. My KV2 Audio gear falls into that category because it uses all custom drivers(no off the shelf parts) and all custom amplification. It's a tight turn-key system. By comparison, using SerraAva's example of McCauley, they are mostly a passive speaker company, meaning you can use whatever brand of amplification you want to with it. I could go on and on about strengths and weaknesses with both ideologies.

But, when you have to INSERT a big of gear into an EQ or tape loop and then run your entire system through that bcause the frequency response curve of the speakers is so jacked-up that the company has to require another box to screw it up even deeper, that should be a word of warning right there.

1: EQ is not a UNIVERSAL standard. What works in 1 environment won't work in ALL environments. I see too many "smileys" for an EQ curve, and frankly, it sucks. I RTA'd and analyzed my in-laws system, only to have some jerk-off guest re-do the happy face, after which I promptly busted his face and threw his butt out the door. I set the room as flat as I could based on their 12-band consumer EQ and their room, and as a result, intelligibility was increased tremendously. Take that gear into another room or set up the room differently(they had a really stupid set up to begin with) and it has to be redone from the ground up.

People have preferences with monitors. I hate Yamaha NS-10's, they just kill me, but many people have those complaints. Despite that, these have been a go-to speaker for years because if it sounds good on there, it sounds good practically anywhere. I'll never own a pair, and I hate them with a passion, but they are a good tool. Genelecs, I find to me are too bright and exaggerated in the upper end. Odd thing is that ALL THX certified movies are mixed and mastered on Genelec speakers, and Genelec has flat out refused to hand over money to Lucas to get the THX certification. Fact: All nearfields, mids and mains at Lucas's various facilities(from a friend who visited 2 years ago) were all Genelecs. What does that tell you?
I prefer KRK for my near fields. I have the Rockit 5's Gen2's and the 10SubS sub(all active) and the KRK 6000's with a Rickenbacker PA300 amp. I find for long sessions, the smoothness of the KRK's let me work for a long time and provide me with translatable mixes.
I also have these EV Sentry 100A's, which sound OK at best.
I don't like most JBL mid-fields and mains, but I do like their nearfields. But, even so, the JBL's often require a tiny bit more tweaking than other brands.
Tannoys, love them, but don't own any. Woud like a set of big ones for mains.
Got to work with some Westlakes and Uries once. That was nice.

I was taken to an event with my father-in-law who said "can you make it sound like this", and I said "Despite all my skills, I don't think I could make things sound that bad". I have a reputation for superior sound, not "show up, throw it together and hope for the best".

As far as concert mains, I went into a casino with a very large Adamson system installed. Turned it on, hated it, the installer and operators did a bad job. I said "hell no" and ran my own KV2 Audio. I had the techs coming to me asking me questions as they said they hadn't had an event sound so good.
Let's take a more "inline" example:
ADJ and Ch***t both make some identical fixtures at least looking at the surface. What have I learned? Well, I have learned that while both are DECENT fixtures, I find the ADJ fixture lacks a few things like colors in the color wheel, or maybe gobos, and will often cost more than the competition(like, $20 or so). What have I found in application? I find that I regretted some of my competitor purchases. I'm flat out not as pleased as I should be. But here, we're talking about features and customer support, not construction.

Is Ch****t crap? No. But in my experiences, it's no longer an option for me to explore. Not because of my status here either. I had made that decision a while ago. I saw a band do one hell of a great show using Chauvet equipment, and the Chauvet gear did a great job, so no doubt it's good gear. My thoughts are, for myself "I liked what I saw, let me find the ADJ equivalent gear".

As long as ADJ is around, they will have competitors. I see a new company hitting the market with super inexpensive LED cans. There has to be a reason they are selling so cheap. For me, the last place I want to find that out is at a show. I don't have time for it. My 64 LED Pros have had a relatively easy life, and except for 1 that has blown 2 fuses(and so far none since), I've had no issues. Worth every penny paid.

I don't feel the need to edit posts, by either party. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I certainly got mine and I ain't afraid to speak up. I have it IN WRITING from BOSE that I can share my results in any way, shape or form, because I smoked them and they knew it.

Look at it this way: I am NOT paid for what I say. I have no financial motiviation to say what I say or do what I do. How many commercials can say that? Hmm, well, pretty much NONE.

So, let me say a few more things: I'm not trashing my Chauvet fixtures because they work. Going forward, because of ongoing customer satisfaction(as in I am the satisified customer), I will choose and use only ADJ products UNLESS I need an Elation product. ADJ and Elation aren't going to hand me over a paid endorsement contract, as I would refuse it anyways. I speak with my mouth, my fingers and my wallet. Best I would expect is "hey, here's a guy who uses are gear, check his stuff out".
KV2 Audio is kind of in a "World of their own". They've flat out rejected the line array philosphy in favor of single point source.

I mean, their concept works, but even with their newer, larger VHD systems, it still lacks the same type of scalability. Fewer boxes, higher output, cleaner output. The KV2 ES series can scale up to about 2500 people, after that, it's just not intended for bigger areas without delay towers, even in their line array configuration. The VHD's are designed for higher output, fewer boxes, but again, where a line array you can add more boxes, the VHD doesn't allow the same functionality.

I find the L'Acoustics systems needs a lot of work to sound good. The Vertecs, I don't have the same headaches.(take that any way you want). Of course, they expect you to shove a dbx Drive Rack and start off with the proper Vertec configuration, which starts you off on even footing, then RTA to correct for the environment.

I do know that I've gone head to head against the big boys with their big toys and time and time again, I get chosen over them regardless of what they are bringing. I always get the "you're not going to cover with that puny rig" then I turn it to right about where it needs to be, and I've still got headroom to spare. Go figure.

As far as Altec Lansing: Pre-Harmon days. Don't like what they've done to that line since then.

One last shot at MusicDan:

Hey dude, I spent over a quarter million dollars on gear. Have you? Could I afford the Bose stuff? Sure could. I also spent $4k a box on my KV2 Audio gear. I guess I COULD afford BOSE, but why should I. I could fart in a bullhorn and call it music as well. BOSE: Butt Orating Sounds Excellent!(it comes out to about the same). I could tell by your "bragging list" that your concerts were at the low end of the spectrum.

And again, it can't be important since it took you 6 months to come back.

Let's see ya say that to my face. Let's put it this way, the outcome would be pretty fast and leave nothing left for interpretation. You can equate me to cheap toilet paper, because I ain't taking any crap off anyone.
Like I said in the previous post I got what I needed from you. You seem to be a smart person. It also seems like you have WAY too much time on your hands by wasting it with useless knowledge. I on the other hand am too busy DJing to be checking this post. When I had just the 2 fixtures, I got them to work fine. Now that I have 4, I needed my question answered.
I say useless because none of it pertains to this post. You are just bashing, bashing me, bashing SerraAva. Way too much time. Go spend it on something useful, which obviously you aren't capable of. I took a look at your site and I saw a pic of a Karaoke setup. You have monitors facing the stage. What seems like 2 Mackies on each side facing the Audience and a sub on the floor. Everything on tripods except for the sub. It looks like sh*t. My setup of my Bose system looks a lot better and I assure you that the sound and quality will be comparable.

Look at my setup here.

The pic is a little blurry, I had the flash off because I wanted to show the color of the lights.

This is my last entry on this particular post, thanks for your help on the other post. Not on this one because you didn't.

Someone who doesn't do live sound can't figure out how monitors work. I'll let the ignorance speak for itself.

Considering I had 45 minutes to get there and fight for circuits and provide help to the cake, photo and video idiots(who showed up late) and decoration team(who only understands in the way) and my crew flaked on me for that event, well, there ya go. Amazing what I did on my own. You also didn't see the rest of the rig at FOH.

So, get off your high horse unless your horse is smoking the same smack that you are. And you might want to consider selling some of that dope if you're thinking the way you are, because it must be some primo stuff.
Looks nice, I will say that much. Here is one of mine however:

That was Jazzy Jeff, and yes, that is him on SR. And if you notice, he isn't using line arrays for monitors. Nope, just a set of double 12"s and a 2" on each side of him. And yes, that is an Stage Line 250 that we drove into a building and set up inside. I design shows like that in my time. I am on here to simply help out when I can is all. I know what I have done, and I don't have anything I need to prove to anyone since my clients, co-workers, friends, employees, and my boss knows what I can do. Sorry you feel like you have to prove something after 20 years in the business to someone who is probably half your age...

(Sorry this is turning nasty Jim. I am done with this thread and apologize for this nonsense for lack of a better term.)
Music dan you have a choice of either running DMX with the 4 par 36 LEd's or run them in sound active or auto (RGB) Mode. These small fixtures do not do master/ slave. check your manual for instructions on how to set those different modes up. If you have any further questions post a reply.

Time to get this thread BACK ON TOPIC.

Perhaps we should lock any threads that have been idle for a pre-determined period of time, say, 3 months?

This, outside of course of the monthly MyDMX profile request thread.

ADJ sells bulbs for most fixtures. If you're not in immediate need, order through ADJ, you'll get it within a week. If you're in a hurry, your luck may vary depending on what's available in your region. My advise is if you're not going LED, then stock up a little bit on bulbs, have at least a spare for each fixture and you should be fine. In many cases, bulbs aren't that much money, which I find surprising but refreshing. Then again, some fixtures used some mightly expensive bulbs.

Also, I've done price comparisons between ADJ and other lighting companies that sell direct, as well as retailers who either carry the bulbs that I need or can order them. Really, the price differences are trivial, at least for the bulbs I have needed.

Not to name names or brands, but this one Chauvet fixture I have unfortunately loves to break and blow bulbs. Replacements are $20 each, no matter how I go about trying to get them, it's pretty much either $19.95 to $21.49, plus tax and shipping as applicable.

To stay with ADJ, I got a bad bulb with my Projector 150(new in the box) and was stuck at the gig trying to secure a replacement, which I did. The bulbs were way cheap, I think $10 or less at a music gear store in San Jose(which I was near). I bought 3. I've since found the bulbs available at a bunch of other places for pretty much the same price.

So, my recommendation: BUY the recommended bulb through recommended channels. Regardless of brand! I'll buy my Chauvet bulbs through Chauvet, and my ADJ bulbs through ADJ. Soon, I won't have to buy anything buy ADJ bulbs!! This is the best assurance that you get the right bulb the first time.

Again, plan ahead, keep a little bit of inventory in the form of spare bulbs. That one time you need it, you'll thank me, or you'll kick yourself because you don't have any.

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